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Another Jungling Guide?

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After my Udyr, Jungle Guide is pretty well recieved in the maxcheaters community i thought about making another jungling guide

which champ you wanna see a guide of from me?


- Alistar

- Amumu

- Cho'Gath

- Dr. Mundo

- Fiddlesticks

- Gankplank

- Jarvan

- Lee-Sin

- Nocturne

- Pantheon

- Olaf

- Shyvana

- Trundle

- Tryndamere

- Warwick

- Xin Zhao


Reply your choise, and i'll create a guide about the most named champion

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hahahah, so why dont u make a guide or post some of your vids here?


Personally, I'm thinking of creating a Noc guide these days.


Anyway, this topic is about Chucky, not me ;p

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After my Udyr, Jungle Guide is pretty well recieved in the maxcheaters community i thought about making another jungling guide

which champ you wanna see a guide of from me?


- Alistar

- Amumu

- Cho'Gath

- Dr. Mundo

- Fiddlesticks

- Gankplank

- Jarvan

- Lee-Sin

- Nocturne

- Pantheon

- Olaf

- Shyvana

- Trundle

- Tryndamere

- Warwick

- Xin Zhao


Reply your choise, and i'll create a guide about the most named champion


Can I choose something that is not in the list ?

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GP jungle isnt even worthy, so does tryndamere

Warwick and Tryndamere, nothing rly hard

Whatever, no idea which one of others, trundle would be the best choice


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