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should try lee-sin tho

shield&slow&push back, but you wont get tha gold so:D

but is fun to play


Think i got like 5g/10 on my runes, combined with heart of gold it will give 1g/s extra

so should do fine


got 2.5k ip from new referral system now :p (didnt take it yet and had 10 refs on lv5 from the old sys :p)

so sitting on 7.7k ip atm

will check some champs later since my runes are fine :p


hey, wait, what?

i had 15reff and havent get any ip lol !!


hey, wait, what?

i had 15reff and havent get any ip lol !!


At the right top here >>



you can click 'redeem' or smthng (isnt on my screen anymore, since i took them)


gives some IP for each referral thats lv5+ :p


Certainly with all those trolls/leavers/afkers on low levels... all levels


i lvled all of those reffs with yi..lol just snowballing them after 6


I normally play full-time support :p

but true, yi carries games


ye.. i'm talkin about lvl5 accounts... ;p where tynd and yi are gods


+ cv for see the enemies & wards of course.


cv sucks these days...


Its way better to go like flash exh or flash ignite.

Even flash teleport works on roaming champs like blitz, taric, leona ...


but cv.. ye it comes in handy to check when they do baron or dragon or smthng.. but a ward costs 75g >.> just buy a few more in a game and you save yourself a summoner ^^


Exhaust can either give you a kill or save you from a death

Ignite can ensure you a kill

and teleport can save your friends around the map (I havnt used it a lot yet.. but worked sometimes)


CV is good with premades.


I prefer buying a couple of extra wards and run exhaust flash.

Wards is for 3min, cv only for a few seconds :) and exhaust can be the diffrence between life and death both early and late game

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