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[L2j]Lineage2 Heredur x70 Mixed PvP/Rpg Mid-Rate Server. Rebuilding!


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Alloz folks i wanna announce our updates!



`Rune has been changed to Main town.

`Rune Castle now can gain adena from all the other towns.

`Npcs are added: Heredur's Store, Duel Rewards Store, Event Store, Symbol Maker, Classes Manager, Augmenter, Mineral Trader, Raid Warper, Global Warper, Achievements Manager,

Pvp/Pk Protector for newbies on non-peaceful grounds. (Freezes the target with anchor if he is flagged or murderer.

` Our npcs are retail of c6 client.

` Many non-peaceful grounds has been changed into peaceful areas.

` Noblesse is officialy questable, And now fully working.

` Subclasses are questable (Mimir's Elixir) You can reach up to 5 subclasses, After using mimir's elixir it stacks and does not disappear that means you can make 5 sublasses with 1 elixir and if you delete one you have to buy again from our Shop/Store. ( If you didnt like it would be change ofc.)

` Primeval isle has been changed into Party Grinding Area ( Official - Retail Monsters, Changed droplist, Raised drop chance and many more)

` How to go Primeval Isle? You can take the boat from Rune's Harbor (Rune Harbor is our starting zone and Trade/Exchange area) You have to buy a ticket from the wharf manager with custom prices, The boat does not teleport you directly to the island after some distance that means its succesfully working and you can sail across the sea.

` There is no any teleportation for the Island and dont try to swim, Simply ull die and you will be not teleported to the isle if you die in the water tho.

` Added Custom sounds/Music to `Giran castle town, Heine, Rune Village.

` Tomorrow im gonna start working on farmzones/Droplist on retail monsters of the retail areas (Enchanted Valley, Forest of Mirrors, Pavel Ruins.


Also register and check the updates of our forum. http://www.l2heredur.com/forum/index.php





Best Regards!

Heredur's Team

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i really like "cant teleport to dino isle" idea :DDD

noblesse and sub quest are retail like or customized?


Noblesse and Subclass yes retail..

all working Retail.

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` Update 20/12/2012



`3 Farmzones have been added.

`The Enchanted Valley.

`The Forest of Mirrors.

`The Pavel Ruins.


`New npcs have been added.

`Heredur's Augmenter: Cassandra, Now is fully working and ready to use.

`Heredur's Symbol Maker: Hindemith.

`Mass Siege Informer: Jason, This Npc will inform you about all the current sieges also you can register for any castle's attack or deffence.

`Protector Npc: Rayn, Simply freezes the flagged or murderer player on Some specific grounds.

`Heredur's Market Place: Sirriolth, You can bid for weapons/armors and etc on market place or you can sell/buy anything u need (Like Aion Auctions)

`Achievementes Manager: Rubert, You can find various of quest and missions of Heredur's with very cool  rewards.

`Weapons now are enchantable till 18, Armors till 14, Jewels till 12.

` Fighters enchant rate success is a bit more lucky than Mage characters,

` We are creatin and editing our own Weapons/Armors Jewels and Farm Objects (Retail Parts).






Best Regards!

Heredurs Team x70

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really nice!

but why jewels+12 and armor +14 max enchant?shouldn't be the same for balance?


As you know mages can deal more damage than fighters in any mmorpg this is the basic rule and the basic difference on this two sides... But only if their M.Attack is over powerly raised. So if max enchant goes to +18 for weapons there will be no unbalance between classes, And as i mentioned before fighter will be able to enchant more succesfully than mages that means we need some p def to resist. I know bout your concern u dont have to worry for anything, There will be only classic buffers 24+4 Buff slots and 6 for debuffs, 3rd class buffs like CoV,PoV,PoF only from Player-Buffers.

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As you know mages can deal more damage than fighters in any mmorpg this is the basic rule and the basic difference on this two sides... But only if their M.Attack is over powerly raised. So if max enchant goes to +18 for weapons there will be no unbalance between classes, And as i mentioned before fighter will be able to enchant more succesfully than mages that means we need some p def to resist. I know bout your concern u dont have to worry for anything, There will be only classic buffers 24+4 Buff slots and 6 for debuffs, 3rd class buffs like CoV,PoV,PoF only from Player-Buffers.

ok sounds good!

PS: voted for Make our own weapon/armor set from the RETAIL parts of c6.


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