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[Share] Lineage 2 IronMan Custom Animated Armor

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I deciced to create new to topic, cause in older one noone is "wenting"

Lineage 2 Custom Skillsefffect on MeshArmor, Anakim Burst on Kaydera




Video how on how i did this all will be later, its kinda big and its converting !

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lol, hahaha


Instead of this (what is this ? light ?) You should put a huuuge penis :]

Nice shit.

ITs anakim burst you monkey(Effects Taken From The SKILL!!!), you can't even talk right Okay,


Do the same if you can i will look,ahh allmost Forgott - you can't

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This looks idiotic. Just look at this shit. Faking penis pop-up from characters chest like a faking alien :]


Yeah, good job man !



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Guest Elfocrash

GOD final armor with a stupid ugly effect that does not even matches in a bit.

Just by editing stuff doesnt mean they look good.

Do some company to byorion

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GOD final armor with a stupid ugly effect that does not even matches in a bit.

Just by editing stuff doesnt mean they look good.

Do some company to byorion

Well told...+1

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GOD final armor with a stupid ugly effect that does not even matches in a bit.

Just by editing stuff doesnt mean they look good.

Do some company to byorion


The thing is that i'm now converting the video how to do this,


So WHEN YOU Finnaly see this, you can do wethever you like to take any effect you'd like to past more then 2-3 hours that i'v did on this,

YOu even can make a better texture, to make it animated !! WETHEVER YOU LIKE.


I don't know why you unable to do this now maybe you just don't belive that you can and when i show you and other's that this is possbile

you will belive in that and will do anything you like,

And some other things i'm showing in this video - how to compile scripts, how to open them in UnrealRuntime.



Show me some animated armor - ahh yes you can't cause theyrs not !

Its innovation -  and none first like innovation but then,


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@ LightFusion

Oh shut the fack up with Your "believe in yourself"...Fack, are You some king of mesajah or what ?

Do whatever You like, just prepare Yourself for objective opinion - like when someone wont like Your stuff, for fack sake...T_T

Grown up

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English Language Courses

become comprehensible and then argue with me.


oh and about your P.S. i have another one for you.

Show me ONE server that would ever use something so ugly like this.


Oh snap!

Yes it's very ulgy the arguments are this - i past on it 2-3 hours,

the idea is that you can past on it 4-5,6,7++ hours and make nice and wonderfull,


the question is why you can't ??


Can you do the same- the answear is NO i can't


why ???-

-cause i like to be selfoolished and wait for a hero that will show me how to do all of the new




Okay another thing you want me to show you is how to change StatichMeshes, right ?


cause you don't want to try! you like to be selfoolished !!

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Listen kiddo, 60% of ppl here are simply more talented that You will ever be :]

If ppl dont do stupid thigs like You doesn't mean that then can't - it means that they have enough intelligence to dont waist theirs time (like You just did) :]

You made this shit after 2-3h of work ? T_T Keep on waisting Your time dude !


YOU ARE AWESOME ! KEEP UP ! (I guess this is what You wanted to hear ?) :]

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@ LightFusion

Oh shut the fack up with Your "believe in yourself"...Fack, are You some king of mesajah or what ?

Do whatever You like, just prepare Yourself for objective opinion - like when someone wont like Your stuff, for fack sake...T_T

Grown up


yeah yeah ! YOU are an very Ugly person, and i cuted the roots of your controll now YOU ARE very UNHAPPY about that! and you'r sharing with your unhappines everyver.

MM yeah your Ego is kinda fu**up cause you belived in something that you'r somesort of a hero, that can share for paper with other his knowledge!

The thing is that knowledge hase no Value, if it is! its only a tool of controll,


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yeah yeah ! YOU are an very Ugly person, and i cuted the roots of your controll now YOU ARE very UNHAPPY about that! and you'r sharing with your unhappines everyver.

MM yeah your Ego is kinda fu**up cause you belived in something that you'r somesort of a hero, that can share for paper with other his knowledge!

The thing is that knowledge hase no Value, if it is! its only a tool of controll,

Same shit story. You think that You know me or You have destroyed anythiong in my life ? lol


YOU ARE AWESOME ! KEEP UP ! (I guess this is what You wanted to hear ?) :]

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Guest Elfocrash

yeah i dont know how to do it.know why? cuz i didn't care to learn how to.cuz i quited client modding.can you code java?i dont think so.everyone is good on what he does.


I can say that i like iphones.does this mean that i can create one by myself?

i don't care to do something new.i am here to critisize your shit.if you like this then you'd better call an ophthalmologist

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yeah i dont know how to do it.know why? cuz i didn't care to learn how to.cuz i quited client modding.can you code java?i dont think so.everyone is good on what he does.


I can say that i like iphones.does this mean that i can create one by myself?

i don't care to do something new.i am here to critisize your shit.if you like this then you'd better call an ophthalmologist


Yes acctualy i can code javascript, mm acctualy i even can draw, mmm i can change my voice(10 different), mmm i can make scripts,scenary, mmm i can redu the sound that i make with my voice or hands, in FlStudio, mm i can play more then 4 roles(1 at home, 1 at work, 1 in computer, 1 with friend) And i'm kinda whas with all of this, till i rememberd that you guys, some of you are beign control with some sort of tools, someone knew something, and he won't sharing his knowledge he want use it like a tool of controll, so i decidec to cut this tool of controll, and make you a bit united, !BECAUSE when you are united you can do MUCH more things, and even cut a one big Root of control that name is NCsoft.


So yeah i waisted 2weeks for this, and its kinda have its effect,


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