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this guide is for all the peoples who play in low rates - mid rates servers with high population!!


For those who never tried these awesome classes, summoners are basically mages that summons their creatures and supports them in combat.


So, if u decide to play as a summoner ur role is:


- being a Buffer: you can support your summon with some basic buffs

the common buffs are: haste, shield, magic shield and final servitor (same as chant of victory)

there are specific buffs, we will discuss them later when we talk about summoners differences;

you can use ur party summons to support party members (explained later)


- being a healler: protect ur summon keeping its hp high enough, the faster u cast, the better..

u can also remove curses such as anchor, slow and hold using servitor bless on ur summon

and remove poison and bleeding with servitor cure


- being a debuffer: casting debuffs on targets, not only makes things harder for them, but greatly increases ur chance of win. 


          =============== BASIC DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CLASSES ====================


there are 3 different pure summoners in Lineage 2, and they are:


- Warlock, Phantom Summoner, Elemental Summoner


the only difference between them are the base stats of the summoner, some different debuffs, the summon skills, their cubics and some more specific buffs u learn;


*Warlocks are human, so they have high CON, medium INT and medium Wit, what means they are hard to stun and can heal at a good speed. As Warlock, u can decrease ur enemy casting speed using Arcane disruption, and can remove buffs that increase matk, casting speed, speed and atk speed with Mage and Warrior bane! The summon specific buffs are: Servitor Wind Walk and Warrior Servitor (same as prophecy of fire).  You can also decrease nearby enemies resistance to fire with mass surrender to fire.



*Elemental Summoners, the light elf summoner, has the hightest ending game casting speed, high mdef, high moving speed, and overall better stats than the other summoners, but the lowest int, which doesnt affect in anything ur skills. You can debuff fighters with wind shackle and remove their buffs with warrior bane, but cant do anything on mages. The summon specific buffs are Brighter Servitor (same as empower) and Wizard Servitor (same as prophecy of water). You can also decrease nearby enemies resistance to water with Mass surrender to water (the only useful mass debuff - explained later).



*Phantom Summoner, is the dark elf summoner, has low CON and WIT, but high INT, and theres no really advantages in play in those bad stats since you dont have any skills to make use of all that INT. The power of Phantom Summoners are in their powerful summons and cubics (will be explained later). You have wind shackle against fighters, and mage bane against mystics. You summon specific buffs are Mighty Servitor (same as might 3) and assassin servitor (prophecy of wind). You can also decrease nearby enemies resistance to wind with surrender to wind.



     ==================== COMMON SKILLS ========================


Some skills are the same for all summoners:



- servitor heal: recovers summon hp

- servitor recharge: recovers summon mana

- servitor magic shield: more mdef

- servitor shield: more pdef

- servitor haste: more atk speed

- servitor blessing: cures hold, anchor, slow stats

- servitor cure: removes bleeding/poison

- servitor empowerment: servitor ultimate defense, increases ur summon pdef/mdef for emergency situations;

- transfer pain: part of damage taken by the master goes to summon;

- mass surrender to .... : fire, water or wind, depends on race u play;

- betray: casts a curse in an enemy summon, confusing it to attack its master;

- summon friend: brings a party friend to your location

- final servitor: same buff as chant of victory, but for ur summon

- summon lore: passive that only summoners have, increase pdef and casting speed in robe/light armor

- arcane agility: toggle that increases casting speed at hp coast;



     ================= SERVITORS AND CUBICS EXPLANATION ====================


*** as a Warlock u can summon 5 kinds of cats:


- Kat the Cat: the PvE summon, Kat provides aditional source of mana, and is very cheap, requiring only D crystals;

- Mew the Cat: the pvp summon, Mew has more hp than other cats, and also can attack at long distance using wind strike, which deals huge damage and can be very useful when u put ur summon in ultimate defense stat;

- Kai the Cat: another pve summon, but with Kai you lvl faster than with Kat and has better fighting stats, also can reflect damage and has very fast moving speed, being great to chase enemies in pvp;

- Feline Queen: the party summon, its very required for archers parties, the buffs increase a lot the critical damage power/ or patk (bless and gift of queen)..the buffs dont stack with each other, queen doesnt have fighting abilities;

-Feline King: the 3rd class summon, it can be used for pvp or pve, has more patk than all other cats, consumes only 10% xp but requires A grade crystals...it has some area skills, such as something similar to dance of medusa and a strike that deals a lot of damage (over hit possible)


Warlocks can summon 2 kinds of cubics: binding cubic and storm cubic


- Binding Cubic: basically your main weapon against enemies, trully overpowered , it puts ur target in paralisys status with long time duration, giving you time to kill another person and than come back to kill your anchored enemy who will still be anchored. Theres no doubt this is the best cubic ever, much more powerful than Necromancer anchor, which lasts only 10 seconds. You can surprise ur enemies with it and win the most impossible pvps. Reuse is long (around 20 seconds, and chance isnt much high, but once lands, ur enemy is owned and theres no turning back!!!)


- Storm Cubic: nothing special, deals around 300 damage with wind strike magic on a target, helps a bit , has fast reuse. This can be given to the whole party (Mass Summon Storm Cubic)




*** Elemental Summoners can summon 5 kinds of unicorns:


- Unicorn Boxer, the mana regeneration summon, same as Kat, consumes 30% xp and provides mana recharge.

- Unicorn Mirage, the pvp summon, has high matk, high HP ammount, very slow moving speed and can deal very high damage using Wind Magic, just like Mew the Cat, but here you can buff ur summon with empower and wizard servitor, increasing a lot its matk.

- Unicorn Merrow, the most used summon for elemental summoners, Merrow has overall better stats than Mirage, hightest evasion of all summons and can strike multiple enemies using a water attack similar to SPS aqua splash: Hydro Screw. What can be really useful in pvps is cast mass surrender to water and use hydro screw to increase the damage. Merrow can make faster xp in places where are group mobs, such as Silent Valley, mobs that are impossible solo with other classes, Elemental Summoners can take easy.

- Unicorn Seraphim : The party summon, has 2 buffs for mages: Mana Regeneration and Decrease in reuse delay (bless and gift of seraphim). The buff that decrease reuse delay can really help against pvps, making mage parties very powerful if combines with other buffs. And the mana regen can help against long raid boss fights or even help a dwarf craft.

- Magnus the Unicorn: this summon is acquired after lvl 79, and has everything merrow has, but more matk, more patk, and 2 skills: Stun and Hydro Screw. Its not as powerful as Feline King and Spectral Lord, but since can hit at long distance and also stun targets, it becomes very powerful.


Elemental Summoner cubics:


- Aqua Cubic: simply the best DOT in the game, aqua cubic can take away 1500 hp of a target in less than 6 seconds, and can be activated many times in one single pvp. The landing rate is around 80% chance (way highter than decay, and not so long to cast). Rumors says it becomes active every 8 seconds, for comparison, Warlock binding cubic is 20 seconds). You can summon it for the whole party with Mass Summon aqua cubic.


- Life Cubic: just heals the master hp for around 500. The less hp u have, more it becomes active, making Elemental Summoners survive for long periods.




*** Phantom Summoner has 5 summons too, and they are:


- Shadow: the pve summon, doesnt have mana recharge like Kat and Boxer, but passive vampiric rage, making it an awesome summon to solo catacombs and farm lots of ancient adena. With it you almost dont waste mana and if wasnt for the weight limit on pet soul shots, u could stay there forever.

- Sillhouette: the pvp summon, consumes 90% of master xp, its the one i like most because its fast, has big hp and also can drain hp from enemies to recover its own hp.

- Soulless: this is the 10% xp summon, same stats as Kai and Merrow, but has toxic gas smoke and corpse burst skills...i dont like it much, sillhouette has much more power with its long range hp drain.

- Nightshade; the party summon is useless to most ppl, but if used right can be really helpful. This summon has lots of hp, can tank raid bosses with Servitor empowerment for short periods, and can heal party members for around 1000 hp!!!

- Spectral Lord: the most powerful summon of all, can kill players in olympiads in 3-4 hits at 700 atk speed, has 2 physical skills that deals a lot of damage with possible over-hit, very fast moving speed and reaches 3200 patk self buffed. Its very hard to survive against it.


Phantom Summoner cubics:


Spark Cubic: its a simple red cubic that stuns a target for long periods with a very high landing rate, its so powerful that can stuns even tanks. It does a great job on mages. Reuse is short (10 seconds) and landing rate is high.

Poltergeist Cubic: deacreses enemy pdef, patk, atk speed stats, making ur summons hit for a lot more, short reuse/high landing rate. This can be summoned for all party members, very helpful for dagger parties.


       ====================== DYES AND EQUIPS ==========================


Summoners are defensive characters that supports offensive creatures. In other words, u dont need STR, u dont need INT, and DEX depends on what race youre playing.


Keep in mind that the base stats makes difference when u need support ur summon against different types of enemies, so if u dont heal fast enough, a duelist with lvl 7 charge can anihilate ur summon in 2-3 criticals if youre not prepared. So i recommend for all 3 summoners increase WIT, use robe or light armor with casting speed bonus and weapon with acumen. Casting speed is all you have. The fastest, the better.


i like to use on my elemental master +4 wit-4 int /+4 men -4 int/ +4 con - 4 str, since elf has low INT, and i really dont need it, except for wind shackle, where my targets have bad m.def and shackle lands on the first tries, almost theres no reuse too...


Baically, all have to increase CON (for less stun/more hp) and WIT (casting speed)... but Warlocks have the worst moving speed and u need DEX to run faster against melees.


About the equips, if you just run around with a group, pick a tallum robe (+2 wit/15% c.speed/8%mdef)and a sword acumen, very cheap...so no problem with that..theres no reason for dc robe, because u have transfer pain and fighters are not a problem.


But if u plan go to olympiads and win all, u need the following:


- sword acumen, just to heal fast and cast debuffs, a sword of valhalla do the job very well;


- Sprite Staff/ or Hell knife mental shield (to buff yourself and ur summon, and be protected against curses like silence, sleep, anchor, slow);


- SOES focus: exactly, u can buff focus lvl 3 on ur pet and increase ur servitor critical rate even more...remember that summon stats are different from players, so having 60 critical instead of 50 means a lot in self buffed pvps olympiad-style;


- Nightmare Light set: protection against dreaming spirit, 4% mdef, awesome to rape doomcryers and dominators..u dont wanna see ur summon being killed while ure sleeping;


- Majestic Robe set: against classes that have stun, same as above;


- tallum robe set: not that mages can do anything to you, they cant, but it always good have some advantage in case something can go wrong;


- blue wolf light set: its B grade, yes.. but adds 15% casting speed and more mdef/pdef than all A grade robes...and if u have draconic, enjoy useless stats such as DEX- CON and ur low casting speed...BW is for you who cant afford all the other sets i listed here


the chance of winning a prophet and shillen elder is almost 0%, maybe u have a chance against shillen elder if u play elemental summoner and beat by damage, but all the rest of classes in the game can be beaten easily by WK, PS and ES.



THATS ALL!!! remember that u can always have subclasses if u wanna participate in the main pvps of the game, such as sieges, ERASE is not really a problem if u accept ur role as a summoner: make adena killing mobs, support friends, and have fun in the olympiads!!!


And NO, summoners doesnt sucks like archers uses to say, in normal servers, theres no overenchanted bow  that can beat a summon stat, they just have a different role!!


thx and sry for my english mistakes!






  • 1 month later...

"i like to use on my elemental master +4 wit-4 int /+4 men -4 int/ +4 con - 4 str"



Which dyes would u apply for phantom summoner?


really nice guide.. i like summoners but when it comes to boting @ official servers they cost a lot with all those crystalls for summoning every 20 mins ;s  cool they can solo almost everywhere without a buffer  tho


elemental master is simply the best olympiad class cuz of the big resistance and aqua cubic..yes loses to prophet, ties with Shillien saint and evas saint...but prophet loses to all silencers


now in hellbount smart cubic helps a lot too

  • 2 weeks later...

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