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This tutorial will explain how to connect 2 gameservers together using 2 computers with different IP's, using the Lineage II Interlude Client (L2J Version)

A router is not used in this tutorial

We will assume the databases are set up for the gameservers and the loginservers on both computers, and you have Navicat installed

The first PC will be used as both the loginserver and one of the two gameservers

The second computer will host the second gameserver, and use the loginserver of the first computer

We will call the computer that will host the loginserver the LOGIN PC

The other computer will be called the NONLOGIN PC


║STEP 1║


║Registering Server Names║




Open serverfiles, then go to \loginserver\dist\

Run RegisterGameServer.bat

Type clean, then hit enter

Run RegisterGameServer.bat again, and enter the number of the servername you wish to use for your gameserver

Run RegisterGameServer.bat yet again, and enter the number of the servername you wish to use for the NONLOGIN PC gameserver


║STEP 2║


║Preparing hexid's║




When you are finished STEP 1, you will have 2 files.

hexid(server X).txt

hexid(server Y).txt

X is the first number you entered. (LOGIN PC)

Y is the second number you entered. (NONLOGIN PC)

Each file should be renamed to hexid.txt AFTER being moved to the correct PC. On each PC, there must be a copy of the hexid.txt file in these 2 folders:

\loginserver\dist\ folder of your server files

\gameserver\config\ folder of your server files

Since you cannot name both hexid(server) files to just *hexid.txt* at the same time on one computer, rename the one that belongs on the LOGIN PC first. Then, MOVE the other *hexid(server)* file to the NONLOGIN PC, rename it to hexid.txt then make sure it is in these 2 folders:

\loginserver\dist\ folder of your server files

\gameserver\config\ folder of your server files


║STEP 3║


║Change server_id's in Navicat║




After completing STEP 1 and STEP 2, you will need to change 2 numbers in Navicat to the correct server numbers. (The ones that you entered in RegisterGameServer.bat in STEP 1)


For some reason, when you register a gameserver (choose it's name with a number), it isn't entered into MySQL (Navicat) correctly.

Open Navicat

Open on the "gameservers" table

Under the "server_id" column, change the first number to the number that you entered in STEP 1 (when you registered the gameservers) and the number BELOW that to the second number you entered in STEP 1

Click the checkmark at the bottom of the screen, then close the table, then close Navicat


║STEP 4║






On the LOGIN PC, open server.properties from the \gameserver\dist\config\ folder of your server files

Change the following sections in your file to match the following format:

GameserverHostname=LOGIN PC WAN IP

ExternalHostname=LOGIN PC WAN IP



RequestServerID = XX


XX must be the FIRST number you entered in STEP 1 (when you registered the gameservers)


║STEP 5║






On the LOGIN PC, open loginserver.properties from the \loginserver\dist\config\ folder of your server files

Change the following sections in your file to match the following format:

LoginServerHostname=LOGIN PC WAN IP

LoginHostname=LOGIN PC WAN IP

AcceptNewGameServer = True


║STEP 6║






On the NONLOGIN PC, open server.properties from the \gameserver\dist\config\ folder of your server files

Change the following sections in your file to match the following format:


ExternalHostname=NONLOGIN PC WAN IP



RequestServerID = YY


YY must be the SECOND number you entered in STEP 1 (when you registered the gameservers)


║STEP 7║






In the patch or client that you distribute, you need a decrypting tool such as L2FileEdit.exe that allows you to edit your l2.ini file

l2.ini can be found in the \system\ folder of your client files

Change the following sections in your file to match the following format:



After this is complete, you have to encrypt the file again for it to work properly


║STEP 8║





Themental i respect that you posted it ... give the proper credits to devil614 .. also source is from RZ.. anyway Thx for the guide! Good for newbies!




:O respect this guide.someone give him -1 karma because he tried to steal another job to  take karma :(  ( AGAIN )

dude do you see anywhere to say that this is my work ??? I DONT CARE ABOUT KARMA .... just lol i had those in my archives without who made them and i just wanted to posted them !!!! im Global mod i dont care about karma i care only to help this community ppl !!!


i accept someone give him -1 karma , the mod told something like " don't post something without credits "

and now the Global moderator do the warning that he told ? !

wtf ? is this a  mod ?

always TheMental want to get respect from others ,

always telling that he made a job but the most of his share's was from DaRkRaGe and from oneodevteam



look what DaRkRaGe told !

anyway ! nice guide themental


i accept someone give him -1 karma , the mod told something like " don't post something without credits "

and now the Global moderator do the warning that he told ? !

wtf ? is this a  mod ?

always TheMental want to get respect from others ,

always telling that he made a job but the most of his share's was from DaRkRaGe and from oneodevteam



look what DaRkRaGe told !

anyway ! nice guide themental



I said that i had them on notepad on my L2Jfolder i didnt knew who made the guide !!! and i was on ONEO DEV TEAM !!!! it was my work too on there i was ADMIN too on oneo dev team so LOL i dont need respect i have the respect i have.You can decrease my karma ... i just wanna help some ppl ..

  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Just did it!!! Awesome... tried in the past and could not get... now can have test server and main server :) thanks...


P.S. I know this is a late reply just letting everyone else know this actualy works  ;D


you guys dont respect his helping purpose????are you stupid guys???sorry but TheMental is trying to help us and u get upon him and start  killing him...pfff...respect him come on!!he didnt said that it is his own work!!!Nice share TheMental good work!!!!

  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...


║Very      ║


║Useful                        ║


║Thank you            ║


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