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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Oh my god, 3 pages of spam!!!!!!!!

First of all... this is not working anymore on l2terror.

Secondly, however said you can kill a mob for 600 gold bars in l2terror... ... am, go play l2terror (which is an exact copy of l2mega)

And third, how can u play l2 terror? it's probably the worst server with the worst staff ever.

  • 9 months later...

WOW this bug is great , i used to spent hours farming adenas but with this its only 1 min.. what a pitty that l2 terror closed ... does someone know the reason ???


LOL l2 terror closed maaany many time ago , it was full of corruption , I know this cause i played there and i left when my clan leader told me she was GM and offered me a bow +25. :S

  • 2 weeks later...

80% new private servers have similar bugs with mana potions,face potions,scrolls or weapons, where difference between buy/sell are even a few kk. You can even try to tape /target to buy items from some of hidden NPCs....check it

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