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Server Laggy And Unbalanced?

fail and fail?

laggy no,u are the only one who complains,about balance i loled hard!server's balance is one of the best i ever seen in C6 java servers!why u think is unbalance?

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Dude... ffs today @ morning i had 6 event coins.. now i got 0 how did that happened?... I didn't spend them....

Come on now.. don't get me disappointed...................



PS: Don't look at me as DjNanos ingame, changed

PS 2: Apart from gloom and vortex, necro's skills land chance is like 1/30

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1/3 u meant.


Yeah ofc.. I tested them on +0 jeweled paladin with all of my skills +9

gloom ok, anchor 0/10, silence 0/10, cod 1/10, abyss 2/10

on archer +0 jeweled again and skills +9

anchor 1/10, silence 0/10, cod 1/10, abyss 3/10


so wtf... anyway his pet makes him stronger than the rest of the mages so i won't ask to buff him...

Btw you neglected you server? I haven't seen u for like more than a day now and some ppl dropping sh1ts at giran..


PS: I don't recommend this server if u don't want to play as archer. Unless gm make some changes

PS2: I rly don't know why i wasted 2 days of my life on that server most of all while gm spent just 1..

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