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[Request]Tips about Gameplay [Ahri]


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Played a Match yesterday vs Anivia mid.


i Actually Was dealing much damage  and had big creep difference against her


I Want some tips About  Skill Level Up , Any Build , Runes,Masteries and good tips How to Play against strong AP's Like Leblanc

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vs burst spell casters like LeBlanc the only thing YOU can do is to pray.against such type of spell casters try to predict and prepare your taunt  so you can escape if you lack dmg.


Rod Of Ages + Blue = Domination

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If you have a good ranged opponent like anivia or Kennen , max out




If you are laning vs Akali , Katarina or Ziggs ..etc go




About build , go glasscannon with rylais and/or RoA . If you Build her too tanky she wont be able to do much dmg without her full combo on.


Plus that her W counts as One target spell ;)

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Or combo Q with your ulti to change the ball's return direction.

I wonder , since her Q's travel time ( back) is quite long , if she had tons of speed , would she be able to kite her ball o_O?
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Get in a normal, insta lock in ahri ( don't mind if they already have one ap carry)

At last sec tell them that it's your 1st-5th time with ahri, then go bot with carry, try to ks his cs or make him lose them, feed enemy carry (and the rest of the team if posible).


Just had an ahri like that, so good... trolling... ffs

Please try ahri 1st b4 going in game :(:(

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