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The best Pack L2Java for IT ?

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 ahh can you move my topic please ?

also did you hear anything about l2frozen ?

i see their website http://l2jfrozen.com/

and they look very profesional .


Trust me aCis is way better.

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i just got it into the acis forum ... i register my self etc. i have acc but i dont see any download section ? do we have to pay for member ship or anything like that and if we do how much ?

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You can buy it.. :)..but it's worth the money


do you know maybe how much this going to be cost ?


I remember ventics pack ( shit l2joke crap for 30 euro ) - bought and bin after 2 min

I remember Dark something pack  - bought and bin after 5 min

I remember L2sigmo pack ( didnt check jet everything but i think is going to be the same with ventics pack ) - bought and testing



and how much good is it ?

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Lol. aCis isn't private, you don't have to pay for it. Check the stickied topic and you'll understand.

You can buy it.. :)..but it's worth the money


aCis uses a new system, "contribution2play". People who contributes will be allowed to see timeline and checkout sources. Understand you have to give your own stone to the building, in order to build a common house.


So if you want to have one day a working, as retail as possible and stable pack, that is simple : you have to work too.


No work, no cookies,



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i see their website l2jbroke.com

and they look very profesional .


Appearances are deceptive, cuz they just look, nothing more :)


You can buy it.. :)


Nop, you can't :)

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I don't think there are a "best pack" for IL, it just depend of your Knowledges, and if you want to work more or less:


If you have some java knowleges (patching, fix easy code, rework quests), you can try to use aCis project, if you work in his forum, and if you earn their trust, i'm sure you can become a "Pack user member", and your server will work with a really good IL pack.


If you don't have the knowledges written or you don't want to work hard (is not bad, maybe you only want a simple server to play with your friends), anyway, you can download L2J.frozen or L2J.brasil packs (you con find some preconfigured versions, with custom npcs, mods, and more).


But if you really want to have a good server with a big quantity of players, you should think about use aCis or setup your own pack (based in l2jserver).


I hope this info will be useful to you.

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