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Lineage 3 = Lineage Eternal "Twilight Resistance"


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L2 is prequel to Lineage. This game is a sequel to Lineage.


It's gonna take magic and perhaps the ability to divide by zero to make Eternal a prequel to L2.


It's timeframe is beyond both lineage and Lineage 2. But considering lore does not even fit any longer, for as long as the last 6 updates or so, I doubt it matters...

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yeah forgot that the lineage TWO is the prequel to lineage ONE!

but thats not the point! it is the 3rd game in the lineage series so. its lineage II.

like lineage II is before lineage One. but still called lineage two.

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Yep, 3rd installment in the series pretty much makes it lineage 3.


So we should, for the sakes hurting all those "die-hard" fans, call it Lineage 3 as much as possible.


Lineage 3 is going to be great!.

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fuck yea. the diablo-like camera is awesome

also if you have all the item variety/pvp/pve/instances.

its gonna be awesome. and with great graphics. i think it will attract a lot of playerbase.

new games code for awesomeness: BACK TO CLASSICS!!!!(camera mode :P for tards who dun understand)


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As many have said this is not lineage 3, it's simply 3rd Lineage game so could be called "L3" (Lineage 3), however there are some rumors that there will be some Lineage 3 released in 2014 or so.

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There will not be any Lineage 3 to soon since Lineage 2 still have some updates to come.


Lineage 2 has a lot updates left, they release new update very 5-6 months and they are missing a complete island still so I'd say L2 is "Finished" in 2 years or so.

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Lineage 2 has a lot updates left, they release new update very 5-6 months and they are missing a complete island still so I'd say L2 is "Finished" in 2 years or so.

NCSoft will need to remake / reinvent L2 in order to attract new players, L2 is already dying and without nothing new to offer will be dead in 2 years.

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NCSoft will need to remake / reinvent L2 in order to attract new players, L2 is already dying and without nothing new to offer will be dead in 2 years.


Ye most likely. They just recently made it free which they gained about 8k players on but this will not last for long.

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