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im thinking to buy two of them by tomorrow (i have 36 wins ip boost)


so im asking all those who have played with me and know my game style which 2 of them to buy.


if you havent played with me just tell me your opinion who would you buy!




lee sin is hight level skill hero so i think that talon will be gr8 also rene i have allrdy buy rene and is #1 for solo top:)

btw i had renekton on my west account (70% win ratio) ;D

I like all of them except Talon after his nerf. But if you want 2 of them i suggest you Lee sin for sure and Riven. I like Renekton too but Riven is better imo.


lee sin is so difficult for me :( i played 3 games and i played bad. almost fed.


lee sin needs a perfect combo of pc and skill which i lack the 1st atm(lack of good skillshots)...so i ll freeze him for the time til i upgrade my pc


Lee Sin and Riven are very strong solo tops. Since Talon was nerfed he is not that good, but he is still a nice option. Renekton is a pain to lane against, but his late game is a bit weak.


Also, Lee Sin is one of the best junglers in the game. (His lvl 2 gank can get a tank to 1/2 HP with Lee's damage only.)

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