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My comment for the member -> ALEX2008GR

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Ok Ok Enough flamming ;D


Can the discussion end here please? ;)


Respect --->SeeMSGooD,HaCkz0r Just because they have the "guts" to tell the true and what they belive.


Also respect --->Fight to death for the same reason.




Guys relax ( vent00za )


And i think this is not a flaming topic , it is just a warning topic from hackz0r and i think a lot of users think like hackz0r :) ( lol )


And i totally agree with Hackz0r . 8)


My personal opinion : i hate platinum members , too many permosions , they think that they are something like mods.


Ex : a plat member locked this topic : THE LAST ONE POSTING HERE IS THE BEST


And ALEX2008GR has changed his mind , he became more.....mmmmmm....he thinks that he changed rank from lower - higher.


Tnx :-* :-*


Ok let's end this here. If you continue with this senseless flaming you shall get -1 whoever you are. End of story. This is not an arena, this is a forum, go fight in an arena, and leave the forum alone.


Ok Ok Enough flamming ;D


Can the discussion end here please? ;)


Respect --->SeeMSGooD,HaCkz0r Just because they have the "guts" to tell the true and what the belive.


Also respect --->Fight to death for the same reason.

Thanos, you are naughty ;) :P hahahahah!! Evil Boy!


-------------LAST POST-------------


lol what about this?time for laugh x0a0xa


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LOL!Oh yes i forgot the more post you have your pennis is bigger!LMAO Exofill you are acting like a 5years child!


then mine is damn huge!




LOL!Oh yes i forgot the more post you have your pennis is bigger!LMAO Exofill you are acting like a 5years child!

3years old!


my pennis is small! :( :(


PS:It's the damn spam section!


offtopic : -1 karma Idiot -2 moron - 3 get a life



lol i guess some ppl can't answer can't be alex?


then mine is damn huge!




Jk?What that means?Oo


Also what i said before it was going to people that they thing if they have a lot of posts we must respect them etc etc.You are one of them?


Aha and i though that is was something bad for me.Lol :P


Anyway enough humiliation for Alex and Exofill.End the descussion here please :P


Btw that topic was fun. LOL ;D I love flamming :) Also i respect people that the telling what they belive!


Anyway end for me.I will not post again in this topic.(I think... ;D )


well since alex wont reply .. close the thread thanks.. AND NOW ALEX YOU CAN CLOSE IT WHEN THE PUBLISHER ACCEPT IT....




something last hackz0r can't remember the -beep- topic you ?? and YOU are talking for 2 diffrent worlds ?? sorry dude but you are wrong


2nd i am much more time in forum than you



Date Registered: January 19, 2007, 01:52:11 PM




Date Registered: February 02, 2008, 05:53:32 PM



and i know many things for the forum so please let me do what I think is good for the forum.

i never said i'm God and i will never say it. i'm platinum member doing excactly what I MUST(not have but MUST) do.


~Topic Locked In Order To Avoid Flamming~

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