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[Share][GR]Ice vesper Armor!

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Then you should at least show some respect instead of claiming it is yours. Delete the post saying YOU made it (obvious lie is obvious) and add credits to main post.


you happy?

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please guys the fights are not allowed in topic, don't flame here, or will be punished. take care last time.


sorry but i try share a nice armor i found and the only thing they do is blame me :(


nice set. thank you


glad to share with you :)

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Great....hope some1 could adapt it for Cracia Final...that will be cool...same as AVA's stuff.

It is not same :] He just took my Oli Fire SAMPLE for Human male heavy - thats all what he have. And rest of textures are...crappy. It is just fake Oli Fire.


Take care

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It is not same :] He just took my Oli Fire SAMPLE for Human male heavy - thats all what he have. And rest of textures are...crappy. It is just fake Oli Fire.


Take care


Reported to Maxtor for bad behaviour. (Next time if you don't like something just don't post shits stupid).

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Reported to Maxtor for bad behaviour. (Next time if you don't like something just don't post shits stupid).

Oh, because you have took my Oli Fire SAMPLE and I didn't write: "OMGsss, man, AwESoMe share !!1 <3 U !!1" ?


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Oh, because you have took my Oli Fire SAMPLE and I didn't write: "OMGsss, man, AwESoMe share !!1 <3 U !!1" ?



i didn't take anything from you -.- I found this armor here: http://l2jfrozen.com/index.php?topic=7251.0 :@

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i didn't take anything from you -.- I found this armor here: http://l2jfrozen.com/index.php?topic=7251.0 :@

Ok, mr smartass, so tell me who have create this sample (which you have used) ? ;> God itself ? You are taking others ppl work from crappy site and You dont even know what You are speaking about...You have download my Ice armor SAMPLE from that crappy site, but im its author -.- You have re-create it, sure, but the idea and sample was from my...


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