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[Question] Interested in Unique Faction Engine?


Interested in Unique Faction Engine?  

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Hello, lately I have noticed that quite big amount of people is looking for good faction engine with unique features and easy management.


Thats why I've created this pool, vote if you can, and if you would be interested - post your ideas.

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sure a faction engine would be awesome its really hard to find a good faction server all of them out there sucks at the time given ...

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A Unique Faction Engine would be actually a good sale ;)


a few Ideas of mine


- 4 Factions

- Each Faction gets it own Faction leader every 1 week or 2 week whatever

* Faction Leader is Similar to a Hero  can use hero chat and got Hero Glow so on

* Faction Leaders can Cast 1 "special" Faction Spawn that Dissapears after 5min or Destroyed

* Faction Leaders have a Bonus of cp/mp/hp not much just a bit


-War of Leaders

* if all 4 Faction Leaders are online in each town Appears a Npc

* like LMS Engine / 3 rounds

* when a leader wins thier Faction get a random reward(item/adena whatever)

* if a Faction leader wins 2 of 3 rounds thier Faction recives a Special Faction Buff(increased Stats(p atk,crit so on) one for fighter one for mage


-Map System

* Maps will get Randomly choosen no vote whatsoever, no premade list of maps


Faction NPC Engine

* Factions AI NPC Engine like Echokinetics had(you can get items from them so on)


-Ranking/Archivment Engine

* Ranking/archivment engine, once you go up a higher rank you recive something as a bonus a enchant scroll so on

* Ranks will be Displayed on Title


got a few more, apprently i lack of time and Experience to build up such a Complex Engine. maybe you can use some stuff^^


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When you're saying unique,how you mean it ? what special it will have ?


actually is in need a good faction engine,yes.


Main factor: automatic and once again unique features (I have many in my mind, but I won't post them here, with obvious reasons)


About factions count, I would prefer make it better, not static predefined amount of factions, its not 'customer friendly'. Its better when admin is able to create as much faction as he wish (for example xml configuration) 

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u hardly finish with ur previous engines due to lack of time (according to what u say) and u offer to start a new project now? wtf?


Iam not obliged to keep developing any code till the end of the world. Especially while there isn't big interest from people.


About this thread, nobody said Im going do it now or what ever. Im just asking, because If I will find out, that there is big interest - I will be able to do it.

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Iam not obliged to keep developing any code till the end of the world. Especially while there isn't big interest from people.



lets see:

Since its first version of the engine, available conditions list is quite small (will be really big soon)


tomorrow more advanced.


Up, soon big update with more 'objective' and easy own condition creation (interface)


Note: still working on more advanced ones such as killing X in a row, kill certain RB and so on.


this is ur "im not obliged to keep developing something to the end of the world? wtf? there was only 1 poor update to this engine, who do u expect to buy it? i was stupid for buying it, seems like i was wrong regarding u, u are not different than any other crappy seller on this forum


About this thread, nobody said Im going do it now or what ever.


funny guy, asking such a question has a reason, but kk lets play stupid:

Main factor: automatic and once again unique features (I have many in my mind, but I won't post them here, with obvious reasons)


This is not a start of developing something?



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Its your opinion, you paid for basic code (unique and new feature by the way) which price was 30 euro, and I agreed to sell if for you for 20 euro. If I would be like other, I would leave you without support after receiving money, but oh, well, I didn't. I was helping you couple of times, even via Team View'er but yes, I'm the worst guy on the planet. On my thread with achievement engine, there is not: "Free updates". Its quite obvious, there are free while there are new updates/fixes/changes. There isn't anything about 'I will update it every day' - If I would do it like this, guess what - I would increase price X times. 'Poor updates'? Your opinion, rewritten 50% of engine, if its poor for you, have fun editing it yourself. If someone thinks that by purchasing code for 20€, I will realise every whim of customer, whenever he will request it - you are wrong.


This is not a start of developing something?


Making thread and asking people if they would be interested, is starting of development, but seems  you have different opinion, up to you.

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i love how u mix stuff, whenever u get ur name involved in something u start wiritng ~10 lines filled with crap just of how "good you are", same u did on l2sigmo project topic (where half of the posts were cleaned already for some unknown reason)


Anyways, yes i did recieved support, but i was not talking about support, i was talking about the gadzillions of updates u promised and all u did was adding a few more exploitable conditions, who'll buy it ? seriously, u didnt even try progressing with it


I dont care if u had a 95% new update ready at ur PC or whatever, i didnt see anything coming from this 20euro.


I rushed to buy that engine only beacuse u were a trusted guy in my eyes, if it was some1 else i wouldn't bother buying until i would've seen all these updates promises comes true.


but anyways, trust gone, good luck with your way.

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i love how u mix stuff, whenever u get ur name involved in something u start wiritng ~10 lines filled with crap just of how "good you are",


Mix stuff?


1. You bought code (10 euro cheaper btw)

2. You received a lot of support.

3. You received update with couple of new Conditions + easier creation of them.

4. I said you will receive fix for current version (condition names were messed up) on Saturday, and now you are starting saying bullshit?


And now you are calling me 'you are like the others'? Surly, Im especially because of my support, update and couple different factors, but I don't fucking care, even if I would spend 1 month helping you, people like you would complain, because for couple of euros they expect they whims to be realised 24/7. If you don't want updates, don't take them, should I care about it? I didn't say I will code new updates every day, still can't understand it? Keep blaming for everything, I don't care since 3 months about what people are saying here.


And now flame me, because my explanation was long, sick. 

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u got used to get flamed? maybe they are true after all

1. You bought code (10 euro cheaper btw)

better stop mentioning that, u made price 20euro for the public few days after


and the only 1 who's whining here is u, i didnt came to u every day asking for updates, so dont lie either, u are the guy who bump ur thread every few days since august 20th already saying how big updates u going to make.

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