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[LoL] Post your Best scores!!!


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Since aedes destroyed my awesome image :( , i found it in another way :P


In total of 20 games, gud double / triple ratio :P

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42-11-17 cait.. they fed me from 15min and didn't surrender so i stayed there getting kills.. ;p

no ss tho... was like 20-21 lvl and didn't rly care to ss it :/

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Last days i made 18-6-21 with amumu and though we should win..we didnt :(

I moved to WEST so i cant show you the print..

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  • 7 months later...

Seriously how can you people have more than 25 kills? I couldn't since when one player reaches that amoυnt of kills the enemy team usually instantly surrenders.

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Seriously how can you people have more than 25 kills? I couldn't since when one player reaches that amoυnt of kills the enemy team usually instantly surrenders.

if the enemy's in ur lane are super noobs

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