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Hello Ladies and Ladies!!!!


Well i decided to make a guide How to create your own private svn and repository

to your home pc or to the dedicated machine step by step so lets begin.


First of all we will need some programs

Trac: Download This is for timeline and browsing our repository


Visual SVN: Download This is for storing the server files


Eclipse: Download 32Bit or Download 64Bit This is for Compiling and editing our server files


Ok, Now lets install the trac follow the images below

Step 1: Next



Step 2: Select place when you whant to installed and next



Step 3: Now here you have to choice your username and password, in my case

i have add user: test and password: test123 (This will be the account of your trac/timeline)



Step 4: Here just leave it like the image and press next



Step 5: Leave it like the image



Step 6: Here choice your project name, in my case is MyTestProject



Step 7: Like the image



Step 8: Select Launch Bitnami Trac Stab and then press finish



Step 9: After installation is finished you will see this window on your browser

now press on access bitnami trac stack link



Step 10: Now you will see your available project when i created before. press on it

width=1024 height=616http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/3606/20110908040650.png[/img]


Step 11: Whoualaaaaaaaaaa our trac is up and running, now you can login

with your account on the administration panel of trac with the account details we add before

on the installation see Step 3.

width=1024 height=616http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/9585/20110908040802.png[/img]


Ok now lets proceed to the svn installation


Step 1: Open and Install the Visual SVN Server



Step 2: Select Visual SVN Server and Managment console like the image



Step 3: Here you have to select where you whant to saved repository

in my case as you see in the image i have create a folder on my C disk

and i have chose that folder for my default repository location

also as you can see by default the program have the port 443 and i have

select secure connection via (https://) and subversion afthentication

width=1024 height=640http://img577.imageshack.us/img577/2373/svn3.png[/img]


Step 4: Select start visual svn and Click Finish



Step 5: Right click on users like the images


And here select add your username and password in my case i have add

user: MadMax and password: test123



Step 6: Now lets create our repository, right click on repositories

and press create new repository

width=1024 height=640http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/5002/svn9.png[/img][/url]


Here you have to add your project name example: L2J High Five Private Project

also you can select to create the default structure of project trunk, branches, tags, etc :)



well done, now we have to see our project, ok! click on home svn VisualSVN Server (Local)

like the image below and press on the link you see there



a new window is opened and he request a username and password

now here we have to add the user when created before, see step 5

in this guide i make user: MadMax and password: test123 click OK!

width=1024 height=616http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/427/svn12.png[/img]


Whoualaaaaaaaaaaaaa again :) the svn is up and running!

width=1024 height=616http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/355/svn13.png[/img]


width=1024 height=616http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/1599/svn14.png[/img]


Ok! these it was the easy steps now is the most important thing and we have to be carefull

so lets begin. First we have to install eclipse (eclipse or beter NetBeans 7 i preffer it)

so if you not have the eclipse download it and install it i will not make a guide for this, maxcheaters

is full with guides how to install eclipse or to setup a server.


Step 1: Right click on the L2J Pack core or data isn't matter, Team/Disconnect

width=1024 height=675http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/3999/35112374.png[/img][/url]


Next select Also delete the SVN meta inrofmations from the system

width=1024 height=675http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/4640/99745928.png[/img]


Step 2: Now be carefull and follow the image step by step

right click on the L2J Core or data isn't matter in my case i use core

select Team/Share Project

width=1024 height=616http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/6615/46602889.png[/img]


Then select SVN and click next

width=1024 height=616http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/5343/43161667.png[/img]


Then select create a new repository location

width=1024 height=616http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/803/58911466.png[/img]


Now here you have to add the svn url from the visual svn

default is https://myiporhost/svn/yourproject and click next

width=1024 height=616http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/8392/88313789.png[/img]


Here select Use specified folder name and add trunk/Core to the field

trunk is the default location of the project and Core folder will be created

for the core project

width=1024 height=616http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/9181/25478879.png[/img]


here is the first initial import this will create the Core folder into the trunk press finish

width=1024 height=616http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/6325/71153803.png[/img]


when you press finish you will have to add the user and password who created on the visual svn

in my case user is MadMax and password test123 select save and press ok

width=1024 height=616http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/9478/51244915.png[/img]


here click yes

width=1024 height=616http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/2664/64158620.png[/img]


now here you can see all aoutgoing changes who will make

click on Commit all outgoing changes and whait till the commiting

will finish.

width=1024 height=616http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/3272/82696564.png[/img]


here is the main window when will write anything about the commits/changeset

write anything you whant me i have write initial import then click ok and whait

till the commiting is finish

width=1024 height=617http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/5816/37152780.png[/img]


Now lets go to our timeline and login with your account see step 3 on the bitnami


width=1024 height=616http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/3738/trac.png[/img]


then press on the admin button to the right corner

width=1024 height=616http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/6886/trac2z.png[/img]



click on repositories on the left down corner

width=1024 height=616http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/1324/trac3.png[/img][/url]


now on the right side you will see the add repository field add the name

example Core, on the type field select direct-svnfs, on the directory field

you have to go on your C disk when you create  the repositories folder default

is C:\Repositories\YourProject and click add

width=1024 height=616http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/3746/trac4.png[/img]


now press on the timeline and


You have make your own Trac System and SVN Repository

width=1024 height=616http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/3103/trac5.png[/img]


I Hope you like my guide i made it because many many pepole use the free hosters like assembla

or xp-dev and they are limited so with this guide say bb to the hosters and manage like you whant

your own project


Credits: MadMax

helpefully i believe. i believe its not for +1 . its not something special.

you must be kidding

wanna show you some tard shares that took +1?



its shared and here but this guide is more helpefully i believe. i believe its not for +1 . its not something special.

Are u fvcking kiddin me ? it's more advanced from the other crappy guides.

its shared and here but this guide is more helpefully i believe. i believe its not for +1 . its not something special.

as i say on the guide this is for to make a private project on your home pc or on your dedicated server

without limitation like assembla and other free hosters.

but anyway!!!

  • 6 months later...

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