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Searching the internet with lineage2 hacks, exploits, development their database is really pure and in the other hand in other sites, they ask a lot of money to get some outdated hacks, as here you can get em for "free" and its not that outdated. Peace!

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I can tell you one reason that we love mxc !


Sofi's naked pics :3


Damn i was scared to death.Better die than watch that :D
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1)haters/trolls/wannabes/jokers/rage guys.like here nowhere

2)league of legends guys who post on lol section

3)cant find....maybe my teal color


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I liked MXC in the past when i was playing lineage, back then in 2007-2008 when wasnt full of lineage 2 java projects, when cheats really worked, when no trolls inside, when the only problem of mxc was the spammers.



Cant say i like it now or hate it, i just feel ashamed somehow because we became a madhouse and the main guilty is maxtor and then us(the staff)

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