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[Poll]League Of Legends Leavers

Do you think leavers of 30++ leaves should be banned for a while?  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think leavers of 30++ leaves should be banned for a while?

    • Yes
    • No

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I voted yes beacause there are RETARDS and unskilled trush!


i got 30 ranked leaves.














despite this,who tactically leaves should be banned.

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I vote no.

Cuase 1st) A lot of times i leave games too cause of my retard random team...YEEEES, if i am with team with scores like 0/20, 3/38 etc i must leave..

and 2nd) you don't know the reason that someone leave a game, maybe he/she have connection problems, someone kill him or something like that..


Ban is 100% unfair.

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i vote yes cuz 3 games in a row 3 leavers ragequitters!!!!


i want to be in Riot staff and start banning with my hammer all leavers! i dont care if they are 50 or 100lvl


if they have any kind of trouble they should NOT join a game


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I vote no.

Cuase 1st) A lot of times i leave games too cause of my retard random team...YEEEES, if i am with team with scores like 0/20, 3/38 etc i must leave..

and 2nd) you don't know the reason that someone leave a game, maybe he/she have connection problems, someone kill him or something like that..


Ban is 100% unfair.



you should be banned too then.

one fight can decide a game.


example:if the enemy carry is outpositioned and you get him down,you can fight 5 v 4 at nashor and turn the game,you should definetely stop leaving.


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if yes, russians will ddos riot. ;o

Riot is a huge company with many many many many many many money.LoL has one of the best protections and good balance.Don't even tell that russian mastrubrators-kids will ddos Riot...

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Riot is a huge company with many many many many many many money.LoL has one of the best protections and good balance.Don't even tell that russian mastrubrators-kids will ddos Riot...

say that joke again....forgot already the 3h +++ queues cuz of DDOS?
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yes, someone ban them all


lol poll


I left a ranked today we losed 11/47-46 teamscore at 20:00 minutes, my team 4 russian jerks lan with scores 9/8/11/9 deaths and me 6/6/2... all enemy team was feeded by those retards of my team who 2 of them had 0 kills, when I sed noobs why play ranked you ppl's ranked rating score they flame me and after spamming surrender it camed failed at 1/4 !!! omg this is suffering!



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