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[SHARE]Spoil/money makin guide ^^

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first of all i`m sorry if something similar to this is posted anywhere....this is made just by me after searching drop/spoil spots calculators(like pmfun,stratics, etc) ,comparing them and chosing the best places..

+ all the prices are from a 4x server(dex) very populated and great economy


well i`m playing a dwarf(spoiler) on a low rate srv(4x dex if u know..).. so here`s my guide ^^ :


-lvl 1-5 nothing really just kill kill kill >.> (stick on gremlins till 4-5 then head to town..buy some gear..that bone armor thingy and a decent weap...presuming u have some money maybe it`s not your first char^^)

DONT SPEND SP on skills yet:P

-lvl 5-10 exit throught the north exit..head down and go on a killing spree on the black wolves,the orcs,gremlins there till lvl 10(they are just down the north exit) and head back to town and get the spoil and sweet skillz :D..(from wharehouse npcs..) oh and btw if u can take the weap maestry and other things..

-lvl 10-14 - coal mines a bit..kill everything u can get^^

-lvl 14-20(money making now:> ) http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/9990/adenworldmapinterludebied0.jpg

  -->>stick JUST on "Goblin brigand leader"..spoil : VARNISH+IRON ORE..both at the same time;)

  -->>stay here till lvl 19-20..if u`re on a low rate srv this is perfect u should spoil around 300-400 ironore/varnish

-lvl 20 HEAD to giran..if where u`re playing in a populated srv..stable economy etc,lots of buyers sellers u can easly sell your iron ore /varnish for about 4-5k each(on a 4x server) and make the mats : 300x5k(varnish)=1.500.000  + 300x4k=1.200.000 = ~2.800.000 adena :D...it`s just enough for a brigadine set and top D grade axe from weapons shop..

AFTER u bought your d set start THE 1st class ransfer quest(the most boring q u will ever find..)


-lvl 20-26 dion area..kill ol mahum rangers(spoil : varnish 1/3) , monster eye searcher(harder to kill - spoil: a bone 1/1 ,suede 1/3) and the big guys(looking like bugbears like in ruin of despair..dont remember the name)..this is just boring no money makin now:D

-lvl 26-33 TOP.. a PERFECT spoil place for this lvl range in cripts of discrace (http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/1000/adenworldmapinterludebiob3.jpg)

      -hunt there "Grave Robber Scout" ( ORIHARUKON ore 1/7 IT`S the best place to spoil ori ore for your lvl now .other mobs are like 1/80-1/90 spoil chance..almost all the time u wont get ori ore)

      -hunt the same time "Grave Robber ranger" (SPOIL : steel 1/3 , mithril ore : 1/7)

    ---> beware ..this 2 mobs are NOT agro but around them are "grave robber GUARD"..and YEs they are agro:) and lots of them, remember to bring your haste pots, alacrity pots ,and heal pots;) and u will be fine...

      -i spoiled here until lvl 29 like 230 steel and 130 ori ore..and now the mats :

                    Oriharukon ore = ~90k EACH..make the mats(90k x 130=11.700.000 ADENA !! whooie u`re half rich:)) )....

                    STEEL = ~40k each so the mats now ( 30k x 230=9.200.000 adena...:D )

      -so u have now ~20kk adena and u`re just lvl 32 or hell knows what:P ..and believe me on a 4x srv this is more than enough now!

- ~ lvl 34-35 head to partisan hideaway ( http://lineage.pmfun.com/loc/20211/ol-mahum-captain.html ) and kill kill kill(and spoil ofc^^) the ol mahum captains till lvl 35 or so ( spoil : IRON ORe 1/1 , VARNISH : 1/1 :D and u will get ~ 4 oh them at the same time) ...so again money makin :D...

-lvl36 + here sux..u really need to think on making the 3 q for 2nd class transf ..:|


- I WILL update soon for 40+ ^^ ..i didnt passed it yet ..when i`m gonna pass it i will update with more good spots to spoil^^

...untill then good luck and have fun..oh and remember IT`S just a game;)....dont spoil 24/7..u have all the time in the world ..bb

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i never needed dwarf to make money in low rates...i played dwarf for a long time, and i can tell its super boring


my guide is make an elemental summoner and go farm in places i can AoE with merrow's hydro screw...u can kill those group mobs in 2 nukes


the places are:


40-52 = tanor canyon

52-62 = skyshadow meadow

62-72 = ancient battleground

72-78 = silent valley

78-80 = primeval isle waterfalls

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yep but if u`re low on adena(like me after spended 1-2weeks to craft myself a sov..i didnt had the dwarf then..) and dont have nothing to do after..it`s pretty good to start a dwarf.. i`m staying in that ori ore/steel/braided h place now with a sin eater..(u dont gather XP or SP with it..so u WILL not lvl up^^ )so it`s a money heaven place:)) made 30kk in 2dayz(spoiling only like 2-3h)...and i`m selling the mats very fast...and i had 3kk when i started my dwarf so imagine how happy i am now^^..money just keeps roling:D..

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u can also make alot adena by selling CL/Steel and cokes thouse 3 materials are on spoil with a decend chance  in bee hive from Hatu windsus they are lvl 40 but they are very easy to kill since they are only 1/2 hp and low p.def, buffed with C equip it takes about 1 critical to kill them , if u play on a 30x server u have about over 1k of evrything in few hours also if u want to lvl an other class then spoiler u can lvl there fast and get materials from the moobs around there , at 40 u can spoil in cruma too snipe and porta spoil crafted leather or if u want u can go and spoil EWC and mithril ore from Vanor silanos Grunt when yr 44 u can go cementery and spoil ewc from Hatar Ratman Boss they have better chance there's 1 more moob with better chance at lvl 47 but they are very few and hard to kil since they are in group , i mean Dragon Bearer Archer located in dragon valley . thats what u could make yourself . now if u with a friend go to catacumbs (i think hunters near partisian hideaway i think) and kill Grave Priests (lvl 47) they will take really long to kill if yr alone and u waste alot of hp pots by it , and as u waste time your buffs go so it is not good to go alone

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u can also make alot adena by selling CL/Steel and cokes thouse 3 materials are on spoil with a decend chance  in bee hive

well where i`m spoiling(the cripts of d) im getting also b hemp(from scout) , m ore(from ranger) ^^..also very needed mats...easy mobs to kill to(blunt weak point:> )...and steel AT every mob ..the ori ore kinda sux but it`s ok.. if u dont get ori ore u get b hemp..:P..and at steel u`re getting m ore too but steel at EVERY mob..and u know..steel if very needed these dayz:) sells like bread


cokes i donno..cheap mats^^ doesnt whort it..steel,ori ore,m ore one of the most expensive mats:P


PS : found another spot WITH the same mobs but no mo` agro mobs like grave robber guard:D.. so it`s pewfect now..no one is attacking u:>




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well where i`m spoiling(the crypts of d) im getting also b hemp(from scout) , m ore(from ranger) ^^..also very needed mats...easy mobs to kill to(blunt weak point:> )...and steel AT every mob ..the ori ore kinda sux but it`s ok.. if u don't get ori ore u get b hemp..:P..and at steel u`re getting m ore too but steel at EVERY mob..and u know..steel if very needed these days:) sells like bread


cokes i dunno..cheap mats^^ doesn't wort it..steel,ori ore,m ore one of the most expensive mats:P


PS : found another spot WITH the same mobs but no mo` agro mobs like grave robber guard:D.. so it`s perfect now..no one is attacking u:>




well i mean u can go to bee hive at 36+ i don't suppose some 1 would be so stupid to spoil at dark blue moobs , of course u can dlvl but it isn't worth it

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