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[Request]a staff less abusable and less godlike thinking


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Noble® vs ALL = 1



who is godlike thinking?






and something else, if you dont like us, you are free to leave.

("you" in plural)

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Noble® vs ALL = 1



who is godlike thinking?






and something else, if you dont like us, you are free to leave.

("you" in plural)

you are funny.




Noble was the best g.mod on this forum and you must respect him about his work for this forum.

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Noble® vs ALL = 1



who is godlike thinking?






and something else, if you dont like us, you are free to leave. (That Show us how Pro are you.i dont beleave cuz 1 GlobalModerator say that....)

("you" in plural)

...that means almost user... relly right now i am agree with Noble not cuz i know him..just cuz he are right 90%


not all staffer are like how he say but almost are.. i dont give name..

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change staff...it sucks....way too many abuses for no specific reason.


i login everyday and i see everywhere ban..it is a new coyote-grisom season again



PS:some bans are 100% right. but the 80% are abuses

PS:even if you lock , or ban ,or delete this topic i ve sent pm to nick,already cuz im a man that does NOT act under the scene.

PS:answering this topic by any staff member cant prove or change anything to me.im already disgusted...you just are pathetic in managing a community


Sincerely Noble

totally agree

Noble Es #1


it is a new coyote-grisom season again


lold at this part

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let them do what they want, we are the good guys.

warn them x times, we have personal problems with them.

tempo ban them or dekarma them, we are abusing our powers.




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Quotes out of spam section yes,show me :D because out of spam section there are the real members of this forum.

I'm still waiting.

I never liked to be insulted because i'm always clear with my actions.



By the way your statements are wrong from the begin dude.

I doubt if you knew the reasons of bans when you're creating that thread.

I really believe that you make it for your ego.If i am wrong,please prove it to me.

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In some point noble its true.

Noble,You'r from first mods/active members here,you've done a quite big work here,and I guess that's why the majority of members respect.

But actually staffers ain't abusing something.Weird is true,why always the staff should be the bad guys here?

The fact is that some peoples in gost,they think that their the community of mxc,they think that they keep the forum alive.Maybe in one point their true,but they abuse their respect given by staffers too.

I dont disagree with you,many abuses have been done so far.

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you can all see that on his eyes all are fail except him.






lol how can you talk about noble?

the truth is that you spammed all the days for like 1 year, 10post per day-you should have been banned, and you became G.Mod, i dont really know what maxtor made you G.mod

i think you are not even 18y old


while, when noble was g.mod it wa the best "MxC era", I register here 1 year be4 you, and i was looking posts as guest for like 3 months

also noble register at 2006, and was the most friendly g.mod in this forum, thats why many of us didnt leave this forum (yes its not only me)



all of you wannabe real mods think ban is a toy

and you can use it for fun, while banning is the ultimate penalty you can give to some1, and you ban guys for the lulz

also banning means you dont want some1 in this forum - but you let users make second-third account instead of banning those accounts instantly, WTF?

also Maxtor i dont know what is he doing and letting you guys beeing mods in this forum

cause maxtor wants money since maxcheaters is a "company", banning people make few people donating here, not only cause the got banned, but cause they fear of a ban, and maxtor lose money from you...




let them do what they want, we are the good guys.

warn them x times, we have personal problems with them.

tempo ban them or dekarma them, we are abusing our powers.





man are you serius? VAzelos was abusing rules

flaming,racists comments about others people religion always and you didnt ban/dekarma him

you didnt do anythink



if you say he is banned after all, thats will make le laught

he should have been banned months ago lol


you ban wrong guys

end of story

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lol how can you talk about noble?

the truth is that you spammed all the days for like 1 year, 10post per day-you should have been banned, and you became G.Mod, i dont really know what maxtor made you G.mod

i think you are not even 18y old


while, when noble was g.mod it wa the best "MxC era", I register here 1 year be4 you, and i was looking posts as guest for like 3 months

also noble register at 2006, and was the most friendly g.mod in this forum, thats why many of us didnt leave this forum (yes its not only me)



all of you wannabe real mods think ban is a toy

and you can use it for fun, while banning is the ultimate penalty you can give to some1, and you ban guys for the lulz

also banning means you dont want some1 in this forum - but you let users make second-third account instead of banning those accounts instantly, WTF?

also Maxtor i dont know what is he doing and letting you guys beeing mods in this forum

cause maxtor wants money since maxcheaters is a "company", banning people make few people donating here, not only cause the got banned, but cause they fear of a ban, and maxtor lose money from you...




man are you serius? VAzelos was abusing rules

flaming,racists comments about others people religion always and you didnt ban/dekarma him

you didnt do anythink



if you say he is banned after all, thats will make le laught

he should have been banned months ago lol

and i am here from 2007 my frist cont was .::Vero::.(2007)(forgote pasword)  Second Was  bubulina(2008)(i have thil now) and now i use  skanners(aka bubulιna)(2009) and with 3 acont i dont have 1200 POST  and some pll in 1 years have almost 7K ...that is not fair..
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and i am here from 2007 my frist cont was .::Vero::.(2007)(forgote pasword)  Second Was  bubulina(2008)(i have thil now) and now i use  skanners(aka bubulιna)(2009) and with 3 acont i dont have 1200 POST  and some pll in 1 years have almost 7K ...that is not fair..




I really need my admin back here.


WeirdS. need another weapon: http://www.aedes.us/i2/EAO2w.png

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while, when noble was g.mod it wa the best "MxC era", I register here 1 year be4 you, and i was looking posts as guest for like 3 months

also noble register at 2006, and was the most friendly g.mod in this forum, thats why many of us didnt leave this forum (yes its not only me)

Okay but all of these was at 2006-2010.

Now we have 2011 god damn,where is your precious gmod which loves this community and care,friendly and all of these?


I remember when i came in here with fighterboss acc you many guys complaining about noble bans.

Grisom helped before long time the community,when he came to gmod position you were complaining about his bans too.

Coyote helped this community a lot,when he came at gmod position you complaining about his bans too.

WeirdSituation helped with his own way this community long time now and now you are complaining about bans too.


cool story brah!Get serious.

I don't know what to say,that's why i don't stay in past.

I'm looking for the present & future.

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