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I have some doubts on how good that free for all idea will work. MMO's are made for teamplay ( parties, supports, clans, alliances, common objectives ). If you remove all those aspects, it becomes something like quake ?


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We're not sure yet, but it won't be long... In a couple of weeks time, maybe a month we will let you know about the specific date for open beta, until then just follow the news on the website and participate in the forum.

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btw i suggestion: change the forum...is kinda sucks...ur site is so cool but not the forum...

also what chronicle will be?cuz i dont really like attributes and certifications and i would like t know if u will make a freya or not...and if it will be freya what will happen with attri and certs?

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@IllegalAlien, im not the author of this topic there for I can't do anything about it, would appreciate if one of the mods moved it to where it belongs.


And sorry for not mentioning, server is based on Freya... Attributes will be there, we're not sure about certificates though... Well anyways we'll let you know about all of the information before the server starts so don't worry to much.

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Well I've been quite busy lately, but I'm back on track now and you should see quite a few updates soon.


P.S. I would also appreciate someone who speaks English fluently to contact me... I need you to rewrite the short introduction for the server in a more "understandable" and "eye catchy" way. I'll probably be able to reward you with some sort of a little reward within the server on its launch for your support.

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