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[Guide] Edit Help.htm from Memory


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i think only a few ppl know how to exploit the npcs and other things.




can someone teach some basic STEPS for exploit something easy, i dont mean FULL ENCHANT A GRADE or make 1kkkkkk ADENA lol




i have my bot and the EDITOR OF MEMORY opened and i can see the HTML tex, the most of the ppl is here too but what is the nest step.




some example could be usefull and with our imagination all the new ppl could find new exploits and post it here




share your knowedge :P

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1. Finding out the "ask-reply" pairs - see the artmoney memory editor.


2. Forming <html> requests.


2*. The requests can be written in help.htm




...does this sound simple? ;) heh...

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well i think have learn very good the artmoney and i want to ask some questions.first this maxtor say for all skills it can't be!(or maybe I can't do it).the reason?the artmoney can't read the skills window...i think the skills window isn't html archive.i try it in 2 servers and i can't find something like html






second: i have a question...i go to a very bad server and here the maxtor's help 1.5 works perfectly!with this AND the valkon exp.but when i read the valkons html with artmoney,i could't find any ask&reply.how can this be?and now i have another question: all npcs have ask&reply but somes i can't find it with artmoney?if yes then the artmoney is useless.




third and last: i try to find an ask&reply but i see something i never seen again and i don't know what is this.can anyone tell me if i can do anything with that?:








ps: maxtor plz apanta sto pm toso kairo sto xw steilei gmt:(


ps2: very big sorry for veeery bad english:(:(:(

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