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why some people prefer to buy lich bane @twisted fate (ap,mid) instead of deathfire;


i can't get it,lich bane is useless without at least 200-250 ap~

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why some people prefer to buy lich bane @twisted fate (ap,mid) instead of deathfire;


i can't get it,lich bane is useless without at least 200-250 ap~

No it's not, Lich Bane gives you a nice amount of AP at early game, also it's passive with W damage is insane @ early game.


Btw some people prefer lich bane at early with Boots of Swiftness and Janna support (is actually the FLord's gameplay that's why), you can exert so much pressure in lane and ganks.

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he means


















































reach flord

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Any1 that own a team more than 1.600 elo to add me in team for the skin of s2? :DD

Υοu must win at least 5 games with the team to get the rewards from ranked team rating.
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Any1 that own a team more than 1.600 elo to add me in team for the skin of s2? :DD

even if you join one you need to play 5 games with that team so u can be registered as gold or platinum
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