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League Of Legends Random Topic!

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If you like mid burst heroes, you can try Diana, Orianna, Kennen, Ahri or Ryze.


Or you can buy Katarina and stomp low level players :)


i just suck at ww too, ill buy katarina and test it also im not gettin into good teams tho.

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noone answer me wich one was like the best champ :(


im just lvl 5 and always play with annie hahaha.

i could easily say ezreal for now

you don't like ad nidalee for solo top?:(



and following the meta, the AD goes at bot

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Don't buy AD carries. Lot's of changes are coming according to Phreak.


Better wait till the next patches.

Ezreal is OP anyway, always was in low levels
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What a jungler means ? also "ss" ?

ss = miss.


when an enemy is missing from your lane.


about jungler,he is killing the minions in jungle and he is trying to fack up your enemies's early game by ganking a lot.

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