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is this legit or just shit talk?


it's true because you are able to have a bronze rank while playing at a gold/plat/diamond mmr

doding decreases lp but not mmr, they are unrelated

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dj sona 






Concussive - Q
Ethereal - W
Kinetic - E
Edited by Stacy Doll
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If yes...it's ultimate fail idea...

Was expecting something more aggressive... :alone:  :alone:  :alone:


Only ultimate skins get their own promo pages like this. Look at PE and SGU. DJS is pretty much the same

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New form of CC introduced: Distraction if your sound is on. Applies to teammates or even yourself as well. 


Anyway, first time a bit of excited about an ultimate skin, since Sona was my most played champion in S4. 

Edited by Fortuna
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was wondering when would they release a hatsune sona skin for 3 years.....


though....i don't play sona

Edited by Eagle_Eye
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Don't you say?  :happyforever: And there is a big community over this program.

Dunno if Rito is still taking the right measures to solve this issue.


Edited by SirLionheart
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