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15 yo logic


O xx'yy' είναι σαν τον Exodia, άμα τον πάρει κάποιος νικάει αυτόματα, οπότε δεν υπάρχει λόγος να παιχτεί το game.

No ban shen gg we lost.
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add challenger option in poll for dask


challanger why?its harder to get out of bronze than to get into challanger :D




you finished your liandrys too fast, haunting guise is enough till late game and since they were double ap you should have gone for an abyssal after haunting guise instead of gunblade(gunblade nowdays is only an optional item if you are extremly fed) :)

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Never surrender , i won tons of games cuz enemies threw hard , as long as your nexus is up and they do useless dives you can win


That's one of the reasons I hate playing with kids. They surrender for no reason. Actually they spam it, even if you are winning, just because they're having a bad game or can't handle some teammates that are doing bad.

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i win game before 4vs5 without mid lane .......nice teamplay and win this game that i like but when you have a leaver and akali for sup .....and adc afk what you can do ? Poland players....

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