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so tell me,which of them?


and why


to be honest with you the 3 champ you said is best in jungle or mid in case of kha, if you want to be a good toplaner i suggest pick the likes of shen, olaf, malphite,  renekton, riven, zed :)

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a yes,i was about to ask opinions about zed





Zed in my opinion is a full damage champ, 0 def but awsome burst. I think hes good but for top there are much better options them him, hes a pretty darn good jungler/mid tho :)

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kha/zed/renekton/elise/jayce most op choices


and rengar does shit in teamfights

these nerfs op


every toplaners job is to jump on the adc and burst it down as quick as you can, rengar is awsome at that just imagine the amount of damage from a full combo with shen proc after every skills :D

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every toplaners job is to jump on the adc and burst it down as quick as you can, rengar is awsome at that just imagine the amount of damage from a full combo with shen proc after every skills :D

anyway, not viable enough, enough said

i see more poppy than rengar in my eloz

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anyway, not viable enough, enough said

i see more poppy than rengar in my eloz


so just because people dont play it its not viable? So when froggen picks an annie and destroys with her in challanger the champ suddenly becomes viable?or snoopeh beeing jungle malzahar?or ap nida+soraka botlane? :D

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imho its not about the pick every champ is viable thats what i try to point out to finito.

from those 3 champions rengar was the best choice,and its more usefull as a tank.


But riven,renekton and jayce are such a beasts up there.

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from those 3 champions rengar was the best choice,and its more usefull as a tank.


But riven,renekton and jayce are such a beasts up there.

gimme (Debonair)Jayce and i ll make him a MONSTROUS damage dealer.like yesterday!
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gimme (Debonair)Jayce and i ll make him a MONSTROUS damage dealer.like yesterday!


not if you get countered altho not many people can counter jayce properly :P

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