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I dont know how 'noobs' reach that elo xD


For your info, there are people that do not like to tryhard every single game.

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Damn... on a losing streak and went from 1508 to 1399 :c


The teams are so stupid and its ALWAYS bot feeding the other carry to where it takes 4 people to kill them

i do pretty good usually and 90% of the time i do pretty good but the other lanes are just ............

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Im watching HSGG's stream every day,even now. Rly makes me laugh. Dunno how he passed from 1.8k to 2k elo in 1 days. Was a miracle i guess.


Well , you made me laugh  :happyforever:

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Team too heavy 6th loss in a row i dont even know how we lost this game

I got you the answer .. Well its Fortuna's quote


"Sunday ranked game? Umad? Children just wake up see pokemon and they joining ranked"

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