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[Share] Captcha Antibot System [Updated 17.6.2011, Version 2] [Please LOCK IT .]

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I have one question, when the number of mobs set come up and the html pops up if the player don't enter the captcha it will get paralized and invul and then sended to jail?

Because I want the player to get paralized at the farm place so Gms can find him and take the proper actions.

Thank you, Antibot looks great.


when it popups, it waits 1 minute, and then send the character to jail.


What is the pont of karma here ??? ? Why no1 hadn't reward pipiou21 for this share? :S pipiou had post again 1 great share ( for freya npc's tempelate) This almost great share ;) ... I dont have the requirments to do it otherwise i would had give him ....!





Great share it is working very good, only problem I see is the UPPERCASE letters, is that anyway to make it uppercase or lowercase or even mixed.

It was a lot of players in jail today in my server, most of then for mistakes on the typing, they used lowercase instead. Lot of players got pissed off.



How can you see it? :P


By the way, here is a sure fix :) (that is going to fix it for sure, but it is not required coz you are not going to call the captcha thing for more than 1 times at 1 minute, so its ok...)


In L2Attackable, replace: if (!activeChar.isCodeRight())        with         if (!activeChar.isCodeRight() && !activeChar.isInJail())


When I used a Dreadnought as a gm and it killed lots of mobs at the same time the window keep changing the code and then sometimes it stop with no code at all. I don't know if a regular char will be able to reproduce that but maybe it they kill 49 mobs and then kill 3 more in one hit (50, 51 and 52) it might happen.

Let me know if the fix above will fix that problem.



everyone is complaining why no one gave him karma    well... i just did

its a great share


I see :)


Crap,need more posts.

Too bad my old L2j Developer account is banned.


As i remember you are by far better than me in programming, if you want to check it i will give it to you, just pm me.




And when you think good developers dont exist in mxc, something new pops up. Very nice work. The least i can give is +1 karma for now. I wanna see which libs did you use to generate the images :)


If they want to bypass that in l2net, they will have to ultra-mod their bot to read the crest.utx and then have a neural network trying to do pattern recognition on the image. Ya good luck with that mpj123 and the rest noobs :)


guys stop playing with karma -.-


its already rewarded...


I'm sorry amumu(:P), i don't knew the reason i got the first karma so i got no problem with the second :)!!!


I have one question, when the number of mobs set come up and the html pops up if the player don't enter the captcha it will get paralized and invul and then sended to jail?

Because I want the player to get paralized at the farm place so Gms can find him and take the proper actions.

Thank you, Antibot looks great.


To make this you have to simply disable the punish after 1 minute, and also disable the punish if you enter worng captcha, but you can better jail them, but do not remove the abnormal effect, so you will can find then on jail, everyone is there with abnormal effect you have added ,he will be punished by your gms.

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