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Easiest way to put maven on eclipse


Open your Eclipse

Go to Help and click Install New Software


Next put there (type or select a site) that "http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/sites/m2e" [glow=red,2,300]without cuotes[/glow]

Wait few sec and you see "Maven Integration for Eclipse' Mark it and after that click on next


Install it Click next


Accept the term of the license


Wait to finished the installation


After that restart your Eclipse and when you on wait few mins for auto updating



I hope to find it helpfuly



you can get it from the eclipse marketplace also(if you use eclipse ide for java developers), also it misses the part when you compile with maven because for that you need enviroment variables :)


so we can compile l2jfree pack with eclipse if we install maven on eclipse?


on 1 hand yes but on the other hand you can just run the build-all.bat and done


on 1 hand yes but on the other hand you can just run the build-all.bat and done

thats good very good , thnx for your quick reply

for lowest clients than gf l2jfree dont work at all unless you modify the pom.xmls

yeah ok, but easier than modifying 2-3 bats :P l2jfree is dead anyway

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