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[Preview] Might & Magic® Heroes® VI (Available: 27 May 2011)


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Might & Magic Heroes VI Story


Game Details

Title: Might & Magic® Heroes® VI

Genre: RPG, Strategy

Developer: Blackhole

Publisher: Ubisoft

Release Date: 27 May 2011

Languages: -




Might & Magic Heroes VI will take place in 564 YSD*, roughly some 400 years before Might & Magic Heroes V, at the time of the second Blood Moon Eclipse, and the Rise of Kha Beleth, the Demon Sovereign.


A legendary Archangel General, killed during the war of the Elder races, is resurrected. Under the cover of preparations for the upcoming Demon invasion, he plots to recover his powers and take control of Ashan while eradicating his ancient enemies. He underestimates, however, the power of the all-too-human Griffin dynasty...

Heroes VI tells the story of the Griffin dynasty, when they were still Dukes of the Holy Empire, and not yet sitting on the Imperial throne (like in Heroes 5 and Clash of Heroes). The Griffin Duchy is east of the Empire, a region that would correspond to the Slavic nations in our own world.


At the dynasty’s origins, The Griffin Duke Pavel* was a zealous servant of the Light and a trusted lieutenant of the Falcon Emperor. He met his demise defending his own duchy from a Demon host summoned by the dying wish of a desperate enemy. Pavel’s heroic last stand would ensure the survival of his son, Slava, who was only a boy at the time of these events.


Pavel’s sister Sveltana*, who had left her homeland to become a prominent Necromancer in the Seven Cities, was called back to act as regent to Slava and educate him in the ways of the Griffin.


Fifteen years and a war have past. Duke Slava of Griffin is now the father of five promising children. These are the main Heroes of the Heroes 6 campaign, and they will lead different factions to battle.


Main Characters




"Go in peace, father. The Duchy is in able hands. May Elrath scorch the hearts of your murderers"


Anton becomes the Duke of Griffin at the age of 21, moments after the assassination of his father, Slava. He begins to suspect all those whose faith in Elrath, the Dragon God of Light, is not as strong as his own. Encouraged by strange voices that whisper to him in his mind, he immediately declares all forms of unorthodox worship outlawed.




“I didn’t sell my soul... someone else did. I don’t care if it was to save the world… I’m getting it back.”


Kiril, assists helplessly to the assassination of his father, Slava, the Duke of Griffin, and the subsequent execution of the presumed murderer, his twin-sister Anastasya. Overwhelmed in anger, he agrees to accompany the Angel Sarah on a dangerous mission into Sheogh, the demon prison-world.

His goal is to find for the mysterious power that is responsible for the death of his father and sister.





“I may be better off dead. But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”


Anastasya is awoken by her Great Aunt Sveltana, and discovers that she has been brought back to life as an Unliving.

Apparently she had a hand in the assassination of her father Slava, the Duke of Griffin, and was executed by her own brother Anton.

Anastasya is convinced of her innocence and sets out to learn the dark arts of Necromancy in order to bring the true murderers of her father to justice.




“You might find my proposals more interesting with my weapon at your throat. “


Sandor is the bastard child of Duke Slava Griffin and his first love, the beautiful lady Elisabeth. A political burden since birth, he soon became a troublemaker, and found an outlet for his frustration and anger alongside his father’s master-of-arms… the Orc, Kraal. Standing up for his family during a feud with his father’s neighbor, Gerhart, the Duke of the Wolf, Sandor will be exiled from the Holy Empire. Kraal will lead him to his original homeland: the savage Pao islands, floating in the Jade Sea...


Key Features


Enjoy the critically acclaimed Heroes gameplay, remasterized with the well-known developer, Black Hole, and in close partnership with the game’s numerous fans.


Experience the unique mix of Turn-Based Strategy & RPG: Explore extra-large adventure maps, collect tons of resources and build extraordinary cities. Perfect your tactics to level-up your heroes, recruit troops & ready them for combat on exclusive battle maps.


Shape your destiny: Lead the Heroes of the Griffin dynasty through an intriguing scenario. Choose your path, assume your choices and customize your gaming experience thanks to a brand new Reputation system.


Rediscover the richness of the M&M Universe: Discover fantastic landscapes and creatures from the world of Ashan. Enjoy improved 3D designs and an exclusive new bestiary.


Share with the community: Post content & compete with your friends using a new and intelligent, online community interface.







Minor Artifacts


Minor Artifacts are magical items created by wizards and alchemists. Their appearance is often crude and they are common in Ashan. Even if their enchantments are relatively weak, they can make the difference between victory and defeat.



Major Artifacts


Major Artifacts have been created by master craftsmen. They are often unique pieces, created at the request of a wealthy client. They are not only useful, but also beautiful objects. They are much rarer than Minor Artifacts, and often found in the possession of nobles and chieftains.





Relics are among the most powerful artifacts found on Ashan. They are ancient items of power from lost civilizations, or the possessions of legendary heroes from ages past. Possessing a Relic can transform a mere adventurer into a full-fledged Hero.






“Born in the sacred Light of Elrath, sworn to spread it all over Ashan” Might and Magic Heroes VI Haven - Town


Elrath, the Dragon of Light, and its first servants - the Angels


Haven is a feudal Holy Empire, protected by medieval knights and monks. They worship Elrath, the Dragon God of Light, who grants them magical powers based on the elemental -blocked-. Their objective is to lead a life worthy of Elrath’s ideals of Truth and Purity to shape the world in his image and to spread his sacred light.


The Holy Empire is a theocracy. In theory the Emperor has absolute rule, but in reality the land is chopped up into 6 Duchies and countless baronies, so at least one of these regions is always in some sort of revolt.




“We will burn the world to ashes and dance upon its ruins!”Might and Magic heroes 6 - Inferno -Town


Inferno is the faction of demons, spawned by Urgash, the Dragon of Chaos, to confront and overcome the children of the Elemental Dragons. For centuries, they have been imprisoned in Sheogh, a mystical jail-world created at the heart of Ashan’s fiery core. They believe that the only meaningful moral value is individual freedom, and they feel no need to justify their actions. That's why they are viewed as "Evil" and dangerous, and why the other factions of Ashan prefer them to be locked up in their prison-realm. However, there are individuals, among these nations, who are seduced by this absolute notion of Free Will above all, and end up converted to demon worship.




“Life is change, chaos, filth and suffering. Death is peace, order, everlasting beauty.”Might and Magic Heroes 6 - Necropolis


Necromancers worship Asha, the Primordial Dragon of Order in a twisted version of her "Death" aspect.


Necropolis is the faction of the Necromancers. At the time of Heroes 6, they are not yet the powerful rulers of Heresh but just a splinter sect of the Wizards. Later, they worship the "Death" aspect of Asha. Their interpretation of the Goddess's darkest aspect is fanatical, emphasizing death alone and exalting the state of un-life to which all Necromancers aspire.


Necromancer life is ascetic in the extreme. Sensual pleasures are frowned upon, as is any sort of gaiety, or celebration. Citizens speak in whispers and low tones, nobody hurries anywhere, and there is little change on the streets from day to night. Those who have tasks do them, quietly, and then go home to the generally childless social groupings called "families" for lack of a better term. Necromancers spend their birthdays in seclusion and penitence. Procreation is generally frowned upon as a distraction from the greater work.




“We walk our own path, alone.”Stronghold Town


Though the Orcs have no god, their Shamans pay homage to "Mother Earth" and "Father Sky", two powerful spirits they meet when they travel into their "Dream World".


By combining demon blood, human flesh, and other things best not spoken of, the wizards of the Seven Cities created a “mutant” race of “shock-troopers”: the Orcs. Half-brothers to the Demons, the Orcs were trained from birth to become their ultimate nemesis. They would eventually defeat the Demons and push them back to their prison-world.

As a reward for their tremendous acts of courage, the peoples of Ashan decided to make them… slaves! At the time of the Second Eclipse, the Orcs have gained their freedom and divided themselves into three separate tribes: some went north-east to the plains of Ranaar, other exiled themselves deep south in the perilous deserts of Sahaar and the rest sailed south-east across the Jade Sea, to settle in the Pao islands.


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i will wait for this heroes are good games

my fav is HOMAM 3

waiting for the new one

yeah HOMAM III was the best for sure even if it was a 2D game...let's hope the new one will be better than IV,V

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i loved all the might and magic series and ill defently try this one out as well.

but i heard they will delay the release of the game is that true anyone knows?

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