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if u willing to host it on your computer at home or in datacenter? i guess you are doing at home. then u need to register ur ip as domain (free - l2kalvitis.bubulis.com or payd - l2superserveris.lv, but i advise u not to take the free one), then u need make an register page (apache+web template u can find on this forum, for the safety i suggest u to host ur website not on the same computer where is ur l2 server located), open 2106 and 7777 ports on firewall, make an patched system folder and upload it on your webiste to allow people to conenct, advertise ur server on forums+voting sites and thats all.

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i like comment i have finished my server but i dont know how to get it online

anyway u can give it a go and see what happens since u will host it on home PC and it will not cost you money!

there was one epic comment i have seen here: Hi all i have payed for dedicated server what should i do now?:/

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oks 1)go to http://www.no-ip.com/ and Create Account 2nlwbvo.png

2)go to your email where you registerd your no-ip and activate your account 22x8oo.png

3)login 5dsajl.png

4)press add host 2n8sweq.png

5)put a hostname (for example l2 master) and choose no-ip.biz xq3rb.png

host type:DNS Host (A)

Ip adress:just type your ip

and press create host

6)download that http://rapidshare.com/#!download|955tl3|384408481|No-ip.rar|646 install it zl98iv.png

7) Next..! 5y1x1.png

Next..! 25i2j53.png

Finish..! jgs4l0.png

Now insert the username and password you registered in no-ip.com 5vqj9u.png

8)press options 2lp4k4.png

and check the run on startup-use alternate port-run a system service.and press ok jpfvd4.png

9)click the head and is ok 71phu8.png

10)open the ports 7777, 2106 , 9014 oglvno.png

Disable firewall

11)open the Server\gameserver\config the file named Server.properties and change this line:

ExternalHostname = (put your hostname example l2master.no-ip.biz) 2119axd.png

12)open the Server\loginserver\config the file named loginserver.properties and change this line:

ExternalHostname = (put your hostname example l2master.no-ip.biz) width=1024 height=689http://i43.tinypic.com/25t9cas.png[/img]

13)in Server\loginserver\config the file named loginserver.properties change also 1 line Accept new Gameserver from faulse do true mlrw47.png

14)open with file edit the l2.ini txt and change in line 13 the ServerAddr= if you play from home and (your hostname).no-ip.biz for other to connect to your server.. ncmadx.png



That's all i hope i help.If you need any help just ask :)

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and what i have to do whit it?

first run cmd.exe and write there ipconfig..there you will get your LAN IP; next steps are at images ;)


1. Change this lines in ipconfig.xml file




2. This is server.properties file (just put there your LAN ip)




3. And this one is login.properties file (the same here like in 2nd step)




also put your WAN IP adress into your host file and if you got router you have to open ports(2106,9014,7777) as well....


hope it`ll helps you


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