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[L2OFF]Lineage 2 Hardin


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Lineage 2 Hardin is a new type of lineage 2. We will offer you not just a bugless and lagfree server, but also a excellent support and cool features.




General Information:

EXP: 75x

SP:  50x

ADENA: 200x

L2 OFF files

All Skills, Quests, Mobs, etc are 99,9% Working. If there's anything wrong will be immediatly fixed.


Custom Features

24 Buff Slots

10 De-buff Slots

2 hours buffs (except unicorn/cat buff, they remain as retail)

Main town as Giran

CP/MP/HP Regeneration increased by 100% in Giran Town

Custom Subclass/Noblesse System

Passive Noblesse in certain zones

Upgrade System

Chaotic Zones

Hero Tournament

Re-worked Olympiad Games

Advanced Player Painel

Offline Private Message's



Boosted Zones

Our Boosted Zones are Elven Fortress(lvl 1-10) Execution Ground(lvl 20-40) and Dragon Valley(lvl 40-80).


Elven Fortress - Custom Zone

Elven Fortress will be our PvP/PvE custom Zone. The mobs are lvl 80. The deepest mobs will be always strongers. When you get on the final room's you will find 3 Custom Raid Boss's. Their respawn is 1h and their zone is chaotic. They drop 10x more than the strongest mob on the Elven Fortress, but it will also give you boosted clan reputations. There will be 3 custom teleports to Elven Fortress, since it's a big zone.


Custom Subclass/Noblesse system

Forget the boring quests. In our server we re-worked subclass and noblesse quest. It's pretty simply. To get subclass you need just to talk with Ladd, kill the TOI 3/8/11 Boss and then talk with Ladd again to receive subclass. Be carefull these raid boss's aren't that weak anymore.

About noblesse it's even more funny. You have to talk with a several of NPC's around the world, without any gatekeeper, our goal is to you explore the whole map. It's not that hard or boring. After that you have 2 ways: One you can kill our Custom Raid Boss Fellowes, that is on a Chaotic Zone. The other is to get a few materials from a few mob's. With this way everyone can get Noblesse.


Passive Noblesse in certain zones

You will have passive noblesse in certain zones as arena's, siege's and chaotic zones. This option is for noblesse characters only.


Upgrade System

Our Upgrade system allows you to upgrade any A/S grade armor. It will increase just abit the effect's of the armor. Do not worry this doesn't unbalance the server, we made alot of test's.


Chaotic Zones

Every Epic zone is Chaotic, this means that you will be allowed to kill everyone on Epics. Also this Fellowes Custom Raid boss zone is chaotic too.


Hero Tournament

We have a montly hero tournament. To avoid any bug/smart ass We created a few things. There will be a Hero Tournament Shop, that will sell everysingle A/S Grade Armor/Weapon/Jewel with all SA's that you have on retail one's. This gear cannot be enchanted/traded/dropped/selled or used outside of our Custom Hero Tournament arena. You will be allowed to save it on warehouse. You can go with all your gear, but I recommend you save it on WH for any case. You aren't allowed to use any type of Pots/armor/jewel/weapon on this custom arena.


Re-worked Olympiad Games

We do not forget the Olympiad. We changed the prizes you can get from noblesse points (still to be decided). Olympiad will work as the Custom Hero Tournament Arena. You cannot use any type of weapon/armor/jewel/pot,... except the Hero Tournament Gear. There will be some increased skills and decreased skills to improve balance. The winner of each class will get a free accessory (this will be only way to get it, except by donation). The Olympiad Games Period is 2 weeks.


Advanced Player Painel

We have a custom user painel. When you login in this painel, You will be able to check your gear, check the IP's that logged your account and change nickname of your chars(3 times only). You can also send a offline message to a player.


Offline Private Messages

This is our unique feature, If you want to PM a OFFLINE user you just need to press 'username and write your message. When the other player logs, he will get a notice window with their offline PM's. If the user blocked you, you will not be able to send the offline message. Also you can just send 5 Offline Message's per CHAR/IP per 24 hours, to avoid SPAM. You will be able to do this also on Player's Painel.


Things to be done:

Website + Forum

Improve Custom Player Painel

Several balance issues

Delete some useless drops from most of boosted/custom mobs/raid boss

Fix some geodata issues


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I hope this server gets a good community cause it has cool features and many people will enjoy it i guess.I disagree with the Olympiad part though.What i mean is that if you increase some classes' skills and decrease some other its going to be unbalanced anyway.There is no way you can balance all the classes equally.My opinion is to let the skills with their official status.But thats up to you.Also if you do change skills then post the changes on forums so people can see them and choose carefully their class.


Also i want to ask about augmentations cause its going to unbalance a lot the gameplay.Chances of getting active/passive skill and if its hard to farm them.

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