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Everything posted by GOld3x

  1. Polish shitss GODDDDDDD Riven top lose tower 07:00 lux "support" 0/5 10:00 Quinn mid 0/7 10:00 So hardcore!
  2. anyone took the skins? or we will all take it at 2 sept/
  3. dat Silver players. Yorick solo top vs pantheon 1/7 08:00 Ok God does not exist!
  4. Do i need a point to like something?I should send him pm saying how much i like his creation? LOL
  5. why why??????????????????????? why you do this to me? axaxax
  6. What are you talking about dude i can't comment something i like cause xDrac will count it as a spam post? hah :not bad:
  7. To make it clear if i was a Post counter i would have more than 3k post till now but i dont so its not that reason. Secondly as finalgod said rules are rules i understand that but that rule "only usefull comments" its just too much , as i mentioned "Its like you prohibit people without GFX expirience/knowledge post in that section." Thats why i can't understand why he delete my post. Maybe GFX section is only for them who use PS? *Lets dont forget that xDrac created rules on GFx section.
  8. Topic here: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=282686.msg2663254;topicseen#msg2663254 I reply saying its awesome and i like that render and he delete my post because its not "usefull" What usefull commend should i post while i have no expirience on GFX; Its like you prohibit people without GFX expirience/knowledge post in that section. Waiting for a G.mod to answer.
  9. I reply saying its awesome and i like it and you delete it? Who the hell you think you are?
  10. domain still maxcheaters.com axaxa :dat: :dat: :dat:
  11. If so there is only one "stronk team'' here in mxc!
  12. christmas no reward, summer no reward FUCK RIOT :-beep- yeah:
  13. and who would give that 10$? The best we can do its to contact riot as noble said and ask for awards!
  14. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=154325
  15. Ι believe that i'm not the only one here who play lol just for fun and not professional. As you mentioned you tried this but not with random teams you had a team with diamond players and its normal you know people are scared to play against a diamond team... However if we had someone to organize it we could contact riot and succes to make a rp reward or a skin then i think anyone would like to join on this event (WITH RANDOM TEAMS) because they have nothing to lose.
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