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Everything posted by GOld3x

  1. there is a limit on how many letters you'll put i cant do it with color -_-
  2. I played kata vs fizz in the past well it was a good fight, however i used barrier.
  3. ryze is useless without proper rune page and on this elo none is making rune page for ryze! this game was vs ryze stared with 300 mana hah pwned!
  4. hahaha when i don't wont to pick fizz i always ban him (if i'm first pick) if not god bless us.
  5. Yes i think that true you must play the 5 games for promo. One friend jumped from bronze 1 to silver IV when he took his promo.
  6. thanks! I love his w! 2/2 (didn't played third game since i got my prom)
  7. I just took my promotion from SILV III to Silver II and i currently have a 6/6 winning spree. So what i have to do further?
  8. Sorry for double post but i got a question. How its possible to jump divisions? ex. from bronze 4 to bronze 2 without going to 3. I know its about MMR but can't understand exactly what that means,its about defeats and wins? I have 156 wins and 139 defeats and 52,9% win ratio its possible to jump any division?
  9. Trust me it is heh! I like this Silver II people seems skilled(most of them if not all)
  10. After 1 week on silver III i did it i got out of that hell
  11. lux need nerf Oo I got crazy full ap kills everyone with combo q/e/r
  12. My currenly elo is 1350 ,at S4 i will start from 1350+ or lower?
  13. Some friends told me that elo will fall so i should get the higher elo i could...
  14. I heard that the elo will fall why?Can someone explain this to me?
  15. axaxax i troll some guys with w+R axaxaxax its funny!!! lb la troll face!!! :troll:
  16. Ι NEED A NON USED CODE ... 3 day i spend 4+ hours and still nothing ..
  17. i just saw some siv games he is funny too!! axaxaax where is he from?
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