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Everything posted by skarstoker

  1. Hi CriticalError What's the name of that program? Regards
  2. Clean and patched system for Chronicle 3 Rise of Darkness No Game Guard Support for Windows 10 Add file: vista7.dll Modified files: Core.dll NWindow.dll nothing else... D O W N L O A D
  3. Add this https://mega.nz/file/qQ4hwJCT#D0-3fWZa_kuWE1r05kiSbpfoHbIHFPfT8hnR0K4gUvk
  4. i not understand but... thank very much
  5. wooooou just for freya ^^ nice Thank very very much
  6. gracias muchas gracias veo que con esto podre terminar mis custom npc very good good job thank!!...
  7. thank Very much sorry my english is very bad
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