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Everything posted by PAC

  1. Looking For People For Closed Beta, Leave me a message

  2. Don't waste money on packs better hire a developer...
  3. http://l2old-school.com/forum/index.php?topic=7.msg20#new Register your clan and get AIO Buffer for 1 week!
  4. My problem was that he ripped my website, nothing more and i told him, now i don't think that i'm not letting him open a topic or something
  5. 3rd time this user does the same thing Click Me !
  6. Some of them are NiwseToDentro- balarinas clan And warriors-ramirez
  7. You can ask for help in webchat!
  8. Good luck
  9. Hello, don't forget to read the rules , welcome and have fun!
  10. No, lineage 2 has a pretty different gaming style from all the mmos out there
  11. Our ADVERTISING Event is ON! Participate and get a chance to win 150EU! For more info Click Me !
    1. victoria


      bonus for new clans?

    2. PAC


      advertising event .

      Yeah there will be a bonus for new clans as well but we haven't decided yet what it'll be


  12. I'm interested since i mostly work with AcIs , im going to contact you, good luck!
  13. I think this will be a stable pvp server, it seems you put some effort ,time and money in this project. Goos luck, you have my support!
  14. It is still OFF C3 ia was always up Since then ,now many old players are coming back for ramibala :D
  15. He is just the guy that just wants to say something bad
  16. Hello and welcome
  17. I can help you with this
  18. Ok after trying to sell a ripped and already shared website ( Click Me!) And after your 2x topics junked MR. S1car1o you changed name?
  19. If you could add a translation to english as well it would be better
  20. Yeah but once again he did something against the rules, i think he should be chat banned again
  21. Hello, after what happened today with the topic of S1car1o You junked it. BUT , you Chatbanned MrPro for what? He was posting proofs of the corruption of the admins/ And yet S1car1o created another Topic for his server w/o problem after what he did, why you don't chat ban this person? Come on....
  22. Keep up the good work!
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