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Everything posted by Darule

  1. Nai file mporeis na to kaneis auto poly efkola me 1 sql querry mesa apo tin navicat. http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp I entoli p tha xrisimopoiiseis einai i UPDATE kai tha einai kapos etsi UPDATE your_char_templates_table SET column1="x,y,z"
  2. Den exeis kanei sosta mallon tin egkatastisi tou jdk sto eclipse ean den ksereis bres ena guide apo edw kai ksekinato step by step. ~I den exeis to sosto version.
  3. to mul simenei multiply. Genikotera yparxoun oi ekseis metablites polaplasiastes opos to mul, prosthesi kai aferesi kai alla analogos to pack. <add order="0x40" stat="pAtk" val="#pAtk" /> auto apla bazei attack p.x analogos to value <mul order="0x30" stat="maxHp" val="0.85" /> auto stin ousia polaplasiazei to hp me to 0.85 dld aferei apo to sinoliko 15% <sub order="0x40" stat="rEvas" val="#rEvas" /> auto aferei apo to evasion analogos to value pou tha tou baleis. Oso gia ta " 0x30" k "0x40" p rotises den se noiazoun esena ti einai auta ALLA tha prepei na pairneis auto p prepei kathe fora analogos ti ypologismo kaneis dld otan afereis (sub) to order einai "0x40" opos blepeis Eno sto mul order(polaplasiastis) einai "0x30". Kanta apla copy paste kai paikse me ta stat kai ta value Gia perisotera mporeis 2 1)Na breis to guide p leei perisotera kapou to exo dei pio palia edw stous mxc psakse kai sto elliniko kai sto aggliko section kai tha to breis. 2)Na peiramatisteis monos sou
  4. Your scripts are failing somewhere and they arent loaded at all. To fix this try to install again your pack, or try a cleaner version. ~Did you try to add a custom stuff on your own? If yes check your code and try to fix it, if you can not fix it then use clean files.
  5. Thanks guys. Done Check my 1st Post it is Updated.
  6. Hey everyone. I'd like to offer my developing services for l2j based server (any chronicle). My skills 1)Create custom stuff (unique systems) 2)Npc's, html, multisell, xml (any dp related thing) 3)Balance Server (Classes, Economy, others) 4)Apply fixes, patches to your pack. 5)For client side stuff you will have to request me. 6)You can request me for more My stuff on MxC Shared - Smart Community Board (the best shared so far) Check Here Automatic Donate system in-game(Paypal,Moneybookers, Cards etc) Check Here Shared - Mob Panel (Mob Info, Drops +others) Check Here +Many other private stuff that i used on my servers. I could work as your dev server according to the offer. Contact Info Pm me here for more.
  7. Ur problem is self explainbable you must adapt it to work for your pack. As i said you in the pm there is no column "respawn_min_delay" thats why you are getting this error.
  8. You havent applied the code correct you must initialise this line String file = st.nextToken(); but for this to work previous code is needed if you just used part of the code it wont work.
  9. You can do this your self easily without spending a dime, if you dont care about the like source. There a lot of sites that do this work aka exchangine likes, earning points etc. Its been time since i used them but i think you can find them in google pretty easily. http://www.socialclerks.com http://www.getlikehits.com/ http://www.likesasap.net/ http://uselikes.com/ *Note that i havent tested any of the above i just found them with a quick search. You can also check out this thread http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=2327468 Google those: exchange facebook likes facebook likes free
  10. How much can you give for this send me a pm
  11. Im glad that you guys undig my share. Anyways i have an amazing GM-Shop thats super organized i never shared it but i could implement it on the cb for you guys.
  12. xaxaxaxaxaxaaxaxa Edw emena mou exei tixei na mou parousiazete kapoios san admin server p eixa p.x na exeis ton server l2name.com kai na ton exeis klisei gia ligo kairo kai na sou leei gia eimai o admin tou l2name.com kai exasa ta codes mporeis na mou ta ksanastileis, akoma kai pragmata pou den ta eixa poulisei KAN!!!..
  13. can i buy the 10e version, anyway the post sux i dont even know if this is the real xAddytzu You didnt include what 1)sites it support's 2)Estimated number of daily votes 3)How it works or even some pics I cant believe that you spent a few hours or even days to develop this program and you only spent a few seconds to write 1 line to advertise the product you want to sell, i think this is just stupid. Professionalism is lost on mxc... Gl to potentional buyers, i once knew xAddytzu i dont know if this is the real one but he was trusted and skilled.
  14. More info plz for example what sites do you support etc.
  15. Ah i see, i think its irony and a bit nostalgic too when i remember dowloading with 5kb/s. Also another thing that i saw is that you can find the files that others uploaded with the script and delete them or do something else with them.
  16. Well im not that stupid but the truth is that i forgot to mention my internet capacity so you are right on this one, my cap is about 1100. Btw u have multiple line's or vdsl or something how do you achieve such speed?
  17. I've tested some random files that i found on 4shared and it gets a bit glitchy with the procedure bar. http://www.4shared.com/zip/di3HsRbN/Music_Maker_MX_Premium.htm 317mb file here is the report: File Music_Maker_MX_Premium.zip (310.52 MB) Saved! Time: 2 minute 25 second Average Speed: 2186.18 KB/s After that i've downloaded the file with about 400kb/s
  18. BUMP
  19. BUMP
  20. I know its just doesnt seem profesional to me, Reasons(Website, changelog style)
  21. Still need more options, also dont ask me about budget and i need access to svn.
  22. Title. Pm me with your offer or your suggestions.
  23. Not in business anymore, check Moore's topic for votes he is trusted. Request for Lock.
  24. Min exeis apaitiseis otan eseis den eiste sostoi, 4 meres tora einai klisto to topic to allo xoris kamia enimerosi, diladi auti i simperifora einai anikousti. Ean thes na eiste sostoi kante to cancel kai enimeroste, pragmatika dld den mporo na katalabw pos thelete kati kalitero apo to euritero community otan to koroidebete kai asxoleiste mono me tous dikous sas. Dikaiologia apla den yparxei, apla kaki sinenoisi, kaki organosi kai mideniki enimerosi. San na eimaste xazoi dld kai den exoume ktlb oti exoun dothei EAN ginei tlk tpt sto inner circle oi theseis.
  25. [GR]Nai alla profanos apo public project egine private project xoris kamia peretero idopoiisi. mxc -1
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