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Everything posted by Darule

  1. I found already.
  2. Yes it is when this douche comes to my topic to advertise his stuff and as said before we the old members should warn the new ones thats all i did, it wasnt that big deal but u just wanted to poke your nose in, by leaving such guys uncontrollable its your fault too as a part of this community as a simple member, the staff cant do everything thats why i said all this cause there are are some unwritten rules. Btw you didnt tell us if you were a buyer would you buy from him? I think not. You wouldnt even bother with this dude. The 3 main reasons: 1)Bot name (immaturity) 2)Low poster (no history) 3)Spend so little time to advertise his product (limited info, no pics* , no price) why the hell should anyone buy or even bother? So my Reccomendation? : Dont ever bother with this guy. My posts are just a Product-Seller Review if you dont like them feel free comment where im mistaken.
  3. It seems that you didnt understand what i told, anyway my point was that we should keep some quality here. If you like some bots with not even a real name to make topics with no infos etc when they seems to be potential scammers its your problem, but we must warn the new buyers here.
  4. Im not intending to ruin your business here unlikely how you did in my topic advertising your* cb* , but despite that i'd like to mention that you cant possible expect to sell something with this name or even a price or some details despite the pics that you gave in a file hoster that almost anyone will bother dling it. So why the hell did you create this topic? are you that imature? if you gonna scam then do it the right way, if you r going to actually sell something do it the right way again, or else gtfo.
  5. BUMP with new discounted price. 15Euro Card's Manager. 40Euro Paypal System.
  6. BUMP New Discount 25€
  7. I can make you all this, send me a pm. Here is my work. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=240091.0
  8. A young man is getting old too though.. So its just a circle, we just started at diff times, all that matters is how you live.
  9. 25, i think that i have to leave this community....
  10. I dont think that he have a problem, it was just that your post was unrelated with the topic. He didnt even said if the chronicle is going to be interlude or something else, so you cant compare 2 diff things.
  11. I dont have great knowledge in C# but im willing to learn and contribute to such a project just for the training and the experience, so im in.
  12. accepted. BUMP ~new olympiad stat added.
  13. This can be done easy, but the PrimeShop is not handy enough for donations. I could make you this to generate the players points for their donation. Example a player make 10e donate paypal, he will take ingame some points 10 or 100 for example. But again is not good to use it for donations, cause you cant have categories etc. Also in a donate npc you can have other options such as change name, change gender which you cant use on the primeshop.
  14. damn why did you bring up this one?.. anyway i cant get your problem, what do you mean?
  15. I can make you this, check your pms.
  16. This guy is a fake. To contact fasart go here. http://fasart.net/contacts.php
  17. http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ Good job restoring the site, also keep some backups yourself from the files and the db just in case. Also about the l2j idea that you have i think that its not possible because that way they will advertising a product and i think they just wont for a variety of reasons, but wish you gl with it.
  18. About the auction feature that you requested i see what i can do and ill inform you in the next few days.
  19. Can you provide a test server? If yes then provide me more info via pm, thanks.
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