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Everything posted by Darule

  1. I timi pou pairnei to npc gia to respawn einai apo DB den ginete na to katebazeis kai na min allazei. Dokimase na allakseis tin timi na soseis tin navicat kai na ksekiniseis meta ton server. Btw mia mikri simbouli ean einai na kolate se tetoia themata kalitera na min skeftite KAN na anoiksete server. Diabaste prota merika guide kai piramatismo full.
  2. Sbise ta quest pou thes gia na min fortononte ston server apo to arxeio scripts.cfg
  3. What exactly did u changed on what? Did u spawn the right npc? I just want to know that u did it right to be sure about it.
  4. Then you must create a config where you will place the npc's id and their new color. Or check the NpcName-e.dat and play with the RGB configs there are 3 colors for each npc try to change them and see what happens. If you dont want to mess with ur system then u will have to do it from core.
  5. O paixtis monos tou mporei na anebei level? Exeis piraksei tis entoles admin?
  6. AbstractNpcInfo.java -> \l2jserver\gameserver\network test this lines writeD(0x00); // Title color 0=client default writeD(0x00); //pvp flag writeD(0x00); // karma writeD(_npc.getAbnormalEffect()); // C2 writeD(_clanId); //clan id writeD(_clanCrest); //crest id writeD(_allyId); // ally id writeD(_allyCrest); // all crest writeC(_npc.isFlying() ? 2 : 0); // C2 writeC(0x00); // title color 0=client
  7. Thats obviously the easy choice, well i just felt solving the mystery for a potential future encounter from some1 else. Anyway im gonna retry this another time and post some feedback.
  8. Hi i there i read the guide for compiling with NetBeans on L2JServer forum and im having a problem http://l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=23754 The problem is that i cant compile properly using the Build.xml file. I dont have errors or anything i tried on l2j svn gs and on my private svn (using l2j too just expirementing) So when i right click and run target im not getting the 3 choices as shown in the picture but im getting more choices. Btw i can compile l2j with eclipse just thought giving a try on NetBeans too. Possible the problem is somewhere when im importing the project cause when i went to Files i see 2 Folders instead of 1 like in the guide. Any thoughts?? I can provide more info if requested.
  9. Thanks for the suggestion ill try it even though i dont know what it is yet.. :D
  10. Are you really a Dev??? Anyway i dont know you nor i need to find more about you but your post was a total fail. Please check again before trying to make "smart a$$" posts btw you dont have to be mean no1 assigned you this duty, even if i was wrong you could support a bit my effort or correct me, saying that a day is 24 hours you just try to be "another mean guy playing the smart a$$" cause everyone knows that a day is ALMOST 24 hours if you dont already know. Btw i dont need to make a comment for any part of your post cause it was a fail from the start. Especially ur answer for the 5 result.. You know statistic or math at all? and especially manners?
  11. Το θέμα είναι οτι υπάρχει πρόβλημα αδιαφορίας προς τον συνάνθωπό μας και αυτό συμπεριλαμβάνει και εμένα γιατί με το σκεπτικό αυτό θα μπορούσα και θα μπορούσατε τα λευτά που έχουμε ξοδέψει σε μαλακίες όπως ποτά,τσιγάρα κλπ να τα χρησιμοποιούσαμε για να βοηθάμε τέτοιους ανθρώπους και γενικότερα όλους να ανεβάσουμε δηλαδή το μέσο βιοτικό επίπεδο αλλά υπάρχει αδιαφορία και δεν είναι μόνο αυτό το κυριότερο είναι ότι το κράτος, η πολιτεία ακόμα και πολλές φορές οι γονείς μας δεν μας βοηθάνε να αποκτήσουμε τέτοια συνείδηση γι'αυτο έχουμε φτάσει σε αυτό το επίπεδο σήμερα και ειδικά η ελλάδα. Έχουμε μάθει στην παγαποντιά (στην τσατσία) εξού και ο ιστότοπος που είμαστε τώρα.. ειρωνικό εε? Θα πρέπει πιστεύω καποια στιγμή να βάλουμε μυαλό όλοι μας η τουλάχιστον να βοηθάμε τις καινουργιες γενιές για αυτό. Όλοι είμαστε σκατά απλά δεν ξέρουμε τι μας γίνεται. Στην παρακάτω ιστορία φαίνεται η νοοτροπία που έχει χαραχτεί στον Έλληνα. Έχω λοιπόν 1 φίλο που η οικογένεια του και αυτός είναι της κλασικής νοοτροπίας του Έλληνα που λένε: "Που φάγανε τα λευτά οι κλεύτες" και "να τους βάλουν μέσα" "Ξύλο θέλουν όλοι" κλπ καταλάβατε πανω κάτω, δηλαδή είναι αντίθετοι με αυτά που γίνονται και πιστεύουν πως έχουν γίνει πολλά λάθη απο όλες τις κυβερνήσεις. Παρόλ' αυτά τώρα που ο γιος τους ειναι να παει φαντάρος θελουν να βαλουν "βήσμα" για να πάρει ο "γιοκας τους" (κολητός φιλος μου) μια καλή μετάθεση ετσι ώστε να έχει δυνατον καλήτερη θυτεία. Δηλαδή εαν έκανε 6εξω 1μέσα δεν θα είχαν πρόβλημα και δεν θα έλεγαν τιποτα. Αλλα θα χρησιμοποιούσαν την μέθοδο που χρησημοποιήσαν αρκετοι ελληνες με αποτέλεσμα να καταστρέψουν την χώρα τα "ρουσφέτια". Δηλαδη δεν θα τον νοιάζει που κάποιος άλλος θα κάνει την υπηρεσία του και αυτός θα είναι εξω και θα πηγαινει πχ τον αλλον 6μεσα 1 εξω. Δηλαδη θα πρέπει να είναι ο κολητός σου στην αλλη θέση η ο αδερφός σου για να νοιαστείς? Απλως οταν ειναι για το συμφέρον μας καπως γινεται και σταβωνομαστε και δεν βλεπουμε τα δικά μας τα λαθη αλλα μονο των αλλων. Πρεπει να ειμαστε ενωμένοι ολοι οι ανθρώποι ανεξαρτήτος φύλλου,ηλικίας η εθνικότητας. Peace! λολ εκθεση εγινε.. σορρυ
  12. Well i wasnt "expecting" the 1st reply in this topic to be from a spammer but anyway its better than nothing. Its not something hard but i think its really helpfull for admins to calculate the enchant rate of their server with actual stats and not just a guess rate seen from another server.
  13. Hi everyone i started java 2 days now so dont blame me if you see noobie code. Btw i always wanted to make this so i choose this for my 1st program. I never seen this anywhere or heard about it, its purely my creation and i always wanted to share it so here you go. Description: This is an enchant calculator. You must put 4 data. 1)Enchant Rate (example: 66) 2)Safe enchant (example: 3) 3)Server max enchant limit (example: 30) 4)Scroll Price (in million example: 5,5) added on V1.1 5)The adena (in millions) that a player can farm per hour. added on V1.2 6)The total hours a player farm per day. added on V1.2 Result: It will show you 5 stats next of each enchant. 1)The percentage of achieving this enchant straight without fail. 2)How many tries are need to achieve this enchant. 3)How many adenas you will need for the total scrolls. added on V1.1 4)Its the total scrolls that you will need. added on V1.1 5)It shows the farm hours that are needed. added on V1.2 6)It shows the days needed to get this enchant. added on V1.2 The results are the same but in a different way of showing. Result Sample from V1.2 Here is an example of its output. Note that the result's of this application are the closest towards chance. Put the enchant rate (example: 66) : 66 Put the safe (example: 3) : 3 Put the max enchant (example: 30) : 16 Put the Scroll Price (Put it in millions example: 5,5) : 5 Put the adena that a player can farm per hour *in millions (example: 22,5) : 10 Put the hours that a player will farm per day (example: 5) : 3 +1 100% - You will need total 5.0 million adena(s) or (1)Scroll(s) - You will need total 0.5(hours) farming and 0.16666666666666666 (Day's) of farming. +2 100% - You will need total 10.0 million adena(s) or (2)Scroll(s) - You will need total 1.0(hours) farming and 0.3333333333333333 (Day's) of farming. +3 100% - You will need total 15.0 million adena(s) or (3)Scroll(s) - You will need total 1.5(hours) farming and 0.5 (Day's) of farming. +4 66.0 % - 1/ 1 - You will need about 20.0 million adena(s) or (4)Scroll(s) - You will need total 2.0(hours) farming and 0.6666666666666666 (Day's) of farming. +5 43.56 % - 1/ 2 - You will need about 50.0 million adena(s) or (10)Scroll(s) - You will need total 5.0(hours) farming and 1.6666666666666667 (Day's) of farming. +6 28.7496 % - 1/ 3 - You will need about 90.0 million adena(s) or (18)Scroll(s) - You will need total 9.0(hours) farming and 3.0 (Day's) of farming. +7 18.974736 % - 1/ 5 - You will need about 175.0 million adena(s) or (35)Scroll(s) - You will need total 17.5(hours) farming and 5.833333333333333 (Day's) of farming. +8 12.52332576 % - 1/ 7 - You will need about 280.0 million adena(s) or (56)Scroll(s) - You will need total 28.0(hours) farming and 9.333333333333334 (Day's) of farming. +9 8.2653950016 % - 1/ 12 - You will need about 540.0 million adena(s) or (108)Scroll(s) - You will need total 54.0(hours) farming and 18.0 (Day's) of farming. +10 5.455160701056 % - 1/ 18 - You will need about 900.0 million adena(s) or (180)Scroll(s) - You will need total 90.0(hours) farming and 30.0 (Day's) of farming. +11 3.60040606269696 % - 1/ 27 - You will need about 1485.0 million adena(s) or (297)Scroll(s) - You will need total 148.5(hours) farming and 49.5 (Day's) of farming. +12 2.3762680013799935 % - 1/ 42 - You will need about 2520.0 million adena(s) or (504)Scroll(s) - You will need total 252.0(hours) farming and 84.0 (Day's) of farming. +13 1.5683368809107958 % - 1/ 63 - You will need about 4095.0 million adena(s) or (819)Scroll(s) - You will need total 409.5(hours) farming and 136.5 (Day's) of farming. +14 1.0351023414011253 % - 1/ 96 - You will need about 6720.0 million adena(s) or (1344)Scroll(s) - You will need total 672.0(hours) farming and 224.0 (Day's) of farming. +15 0.6831675453247428 % - 1/ 146 - You will need about 10950.0 million adena(s) or (2190)Scroll(s) - You will need total 1095.0(hours) farming and 365.0 (Day's) of farming. +16 0.45089057991433024 % - 1/ 221 - You will need about 17680.0 million adena(s) or (3536)Scroll(s) - You will need total 1768.0(hours) farming and 589.3333333333334 (Day's) of farming. Program Source - [Enchant Calculator v1.2] import java.util.Scanner; public class EnchantCalculator { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Note that the result's of this application are the closest towards chance."); System.out.println("Put the enchant rate (example: 66) : "); int chance = sc.nextInt(); System.out.println("Put the safe (example: 3) : "); int safe = sc.nextInt(); System.out.println("Put the max enchant (example: 30) : "); int maxenchant = sc.nextInt(); System.out.println("Put the Scroll Price (Put it in millions example: 5,5) : "); double scrollprice = sc.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Put the adena that a player can farm per hour *in millions (example: 22,5) : "); double adenaphour = sc.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Put the hours that a player will farm per day (example: 5) : "); int hoursfarm = sc.nextInt(); int var4,scrollsamount; int enchant = 0; double scrolltotalprice,var3,totalhours,daysneed; double var1 = 100; double var2=100; var1 /= chance; while (enchant!=maxenchant) if (enchant<safe) { enchant++; scrollsamount = enchant; scrolltotalprice = enchant * scrollprice; totalhours = scrolltotalprice / adenaphour; daysneed = scrolltotalprice / (adenaphour * hoursfarm) ; System.out.println("+" + enchant + " 100% - You will need total " + scrolltotalprice + " million adena(s) or (" + enchant + ")Scroll(s) - You will need total " + totalhours + "(hours) farming and " + daysneed + " (Day's) of farming."); } else { enchant++; var2 /= var1; var3 = 100/var2; var4 = (int) var3; if (var4==1) { scrolltotalprice = enchant * scrollprice; scrollsamount = enchant; } else { scrolltotalprice = enchant * var4 * scrollprice; scrollsamount = enchant * var4; } totalhours = scrolltotalprice / adenaphour; daysneed = scrolltotalprice / (adenaphour * hoursfarm) ; System.out.println("+" + enchant + " " + var2 + " %" + " - 1/ " + var4 + " - You will need about " + scrolltotalprice + " million adena(s) or (" + scrollsamount + ")Scroll(s) - You will need total " + totalhours + "(hours) farming and " + daysneed + " (Day's) of farming."); } } } TO-DO New Inputs: Scroll price(Done v1.1) Farm per hour(adena) Done v1.2 Hours farming per day Done v1.2 New Results: Total Money that will be needed (Done v1.1) Scrolls that will be needed. Done v1.2 Total hours farming need to achieve the enchant. Done v1.2 Days that will be needed to achieve enchant. Done v1.2 Mods: Catch exceptions, cleaner code, better var naming. Update-1: 1)I'm naming this Enchant Calculator v1.0 Update-2: I know its pretty soon but i update it. 1)V1.1 Released 2)Scroll price input added, and new output total scroll price Update-3: 1)v1.2 Released
  14. I think that this share can be consider as spam , whats in it 1multisell with 9 id's??. Also there are others that thank him/her for this?? omg.. please give me ban,delete topic options! Anyway thanks for share (Ofcourse and im kidding...)
  15. I'd like to have a look too in a test server.
  16. Please read before posting, im not selling shared things.. since when votes are shared?? its not vote reward it is Direct votes at topsites. ~~UPDATE~~ New Discounted Prices - Time Limited Check 1st post for more!
  17. I have some customers, but if you dont already know we keep strict privacy on this. ~Contact account added ~Web soon
  18. Hello everyone there. Introduction I know that a lot of people try to open Private Servers about L2 or other Game or they try to create Forums in most cases to profit from them and to do their hobby at the same time. I can find lots of examples where servers with a very good Concept failed due to their Visibility and thats because they lacked the proper promotion so they potetional player could not reach them. What i can Offer Shortly : Suggestions on Concept for maximum Profit. Proffesional Advertisement Campaign - *Thats a really critical part SEO Improvement, with building Backlinks and adjustement on page Construction for better Google Rank's on lots of Hot Words *Each one of them needs a lot of work and have other secrets that im not willing to reveal them here. So if you want to open a server or start a community or something related pm me and we will work it out. There is no specific price for any of them because each of these work's greatly differs, you can request me and i will tell you an average. Payment Method: Almost everything available on Net.
  19. Bump Extra cheap price's updated!! Can give Vote Sample 100 Votes. and provide Trusting proof too.
  20. Bump. ~Price's added~
  21. Hello everyone I can deliver fast and secure without any risk votes for most of the topsites around. The Topsites we support are: Hopzones L2Topzone GameSites200 L2GameSites and others! pm me for more Price's are rly cheap and can deliver them fast. Also i can provide 100 votes sample, to be sure what are you buying. Payment Option: Paypal, MoneyBookers, Wire Tranfer or other after request. (*Paypal Verified) 1.000 Votes = 14€ 2.000 Votes = 26€ 5.000 Votes = 60€ 10.000 Votes = 110€ 20.000 Votes = 180€ New! 9€/1k votes Contact me on msn: darule@topvote.me Pm me for more.
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