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Everything posted by Darule

  1. Nai ontos to exei kseftilisei i google me ta warnings ta moirazei aberta.
  2. nai apla petakse kapoia warning stin google autes tis meres http://safebrowsing.clients.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=http%3A%2F%2Faedes.us%2F&client=googlechrome&hl=el
  3. Kserei kaneis ti egine me tin aedes.us?
  4. default is this i think.
  5. thanks for the comment @Dask barieme na eksigiso sorry
  6. apo gomena exei katantisei to troll face sto spam topic.
  7. When you select in profile no country this icon as you can see on me appears. It is just ugly no big deal but it must be replaced.
  8. Dask prepei na breis kainourgio hobby... Entometaksy pos mporei na einai "Great News...." ta promotes/demotes... ?
  9. Why did you posted this img? thats not my panel.
  10. Yeah for some reason i didnt gave you the correct paste anyway here it is try this and tell me again. http://pastebin.com/bDJrcgfP
  11. Try this one http://pastebin.com/index/GMg8fGh6
  12. i wonder about that.. my opinion is that nothing is going to happen.
  13. hahaha good one, this is scammer paradise i think no1 has ever punished for scamming. Anyway dont do trades with guys that are doing trades for 1:1 thats just fake.
  14. Well thats not quite true, i mean it doesnt check the db everytime cause there is the cache too. In short when for example 10 users browse this pages and an 11th user come and click it, it wont access the db but it will send him the cached html and it will be refreshed again after some time like 5 mins im not sure how the htm cache works or how its done but its not accessed everytime.
  15. Yeah i've seen this in the past and its a very good work but as you said is SO much effort for this but Szponiasty is not a normal human so.. The panel that i created i made it for my needs although it can be still better. Oh and now that you told me i could share my donate-informer it could be usefull too, i could share the paypal system too but i want a lot of hour just for the setup guide so not possible. Thanks for your good words, about my server name i'd like to keep it secret its not important anymore.
  16. Hello everyone again, today i'd like to share my mob panel its a mod where you click a mob and you see info about their stats drops etc. A few info about Mob Panel It is created for L2Jserver hi5 pack It is not a complete share since it contains some custom things that i used for my server you can just remove what you dont need. Also it needs some import on masterhandler. I dont have any pics atm So here it is. http://www.4shared.com/rar/PtBPxD_9/Mob_Panel_-_Darule.html If anyone applies the patch send some pics so i can update the post, or ill put some pics myself later.
  17. Thanks, but why did you told the advices in PL im not from Poland, but thanks anyway for your advices some1 might use them and make a better cb but i dont think that im going to update it anytime soon, this was made for personal use and anyone is free to mod it in any way they want for their needs. Btw about the RaidBossSpawnManager i dont remember how it worked or if i could use it, but an extra class is not such a big deal since its more organized i think to have them all in one place, since the RbSpawnManager can change anytime from l2jserver.
  18. Dude stop spamming in my topic, thanks.
  19. Yes thats correct i've only test this local so i missed this one ;) , thanks.
  20. Thanks everyone for your good words, it means a lot. Btw i see a lot of polands ;)
  21. Ok. I will apply these files onto a clean l2j and fix the share later.
  22. Can you show me your error? Just in case try also these files http://www.4shared.com/rar/RzUnXjqe/communitybbs.html paste them into ur communitybbs folder.
  23. Close this topic. You can find the cb shared here. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=245894.0
  24. Hi everyone, i'd like to share my community board, i was selling this on marketplace but i didnt have any success due to limited interest but anyway here it is. Gallery http://imgur.com/a/ZGw9p Info Community Board for HighFive L2jserver pack. Custom Config File with Options Unique Top Statistics (Pvp, Pk, Raid, Adenas, Online) Easy Readable Values Unique RaidBoss Status with Pagination System Top Heroes, Top Clans, Castle Stats, GrandBoss Status, Server Stats New*: Olympiad stat added.(so the players can see when the olympiad games end) Files Datapack: http://www.4shared.com/rar/N8QiRc_s/CommunityBoard.html Core: http://pastebin.com/uv05MBpr Warning that is a quick share, the code might not be 100% correct. Happy ripping.
  25. Hello everyone, I've recently started learning C# and was experementing with various stuff, also i'd like to mention that im playing war3 custom maps from epicwar.com with friends but not that much lately. Anyway i didnt like how epicwar was displaying the content and the maps so i've created a bot, in short this bot can rip all epic war maps and all the details they have. With this i can for example find the maps from a specific author or maps that have rate over 4 for example or maps that have top downloads for the last month, this options arent available in epicwar. In short with this you can sort the info in any way. So if anyone have some idea to create something with this im open to any discussions, we can for example create our own war3 map database.
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