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Everything posted by ROCK ST*R

  1. try l2vitality and look for dnt there ...with money yr acc will be like GM stats many many ...idk why ppl play there
  2. Nighty when u will add mega donate like was in l2 tron? i think Amakanah/Zachire ,and i dont remember if u gave there superhaste too when u will do it here it ll be mega fail :D
  3. ok is up ,, redman agree 2 147 ..... % :D
  4. is down?????????????????????????????,
  5. server have nice lag for me with 4 online :DD
  6. okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i will se if is good or nop :P
  7. server down :D
  8. armor = ? wep =?
  9. www.la2era.ru you must change laguage to programs to rus....or it dont will be able tu run
  10. there arent cutsom right?
  11. www.l2west.com just found this site under construction
  12. Hello,i started play again the noob server called l2vitality now,i played there 3-4years back ..it was called dominion,i have question if is there any way to use any program like phx ,or some 1 know any good useful bug if yes pm me/writte here . If is here bad section ( i know it isnt expilot or bug :D just Question)please do not delete / place it to other place for 2 days . Thanks
  13. good luck , i think not will have many ppl on
  14. personlay i think ..official GoD....its too easy ,,,, it isnt old l2 like c4 they made it than mid rate server but rates are still x1 xD just u have to makeing Quest on oficial etc....
  15. i think it ll be mega fail with stealed name of server :P
  16. now i maked it works... game will open with other way need to download other l2.exe.....but i cant still login :S just have loading window "u are currentlu loging in " pff
  17. but l2.exe file is fail ....you cant open it ..u dont have permisions etc. i tryed more ways but cant open ...
  18. patch work...just need to turn off antivirus ...
  19. still patch fail ... when u will exctract all ,u dont will get l2.exe.....so cant run game
  20. yes fail
  21. Links work very well, https://www.rapidshare.com/files/1431803814/System.7z i downloaded for there here u cna see all mirrors http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/ECMMO5ST/
  22. costum is?????? learn writte name rock with 0 small gr kid. .tk web home made , i think home host too what a kid can do it lol
  23. i saw l2 faith will be interlude x50 u steal name?:DD
  24. what is hidden???? is bug or what?
  25. good luck with server
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