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Everything posted by ROCK ST*R

  1. hmm where i cna find it? im trying to make server 1st time ... do u have skype man? for better chat
  2. and what writte to INTERNAL adres?
  3. i was trying create no ip but i dont know how :S can u make any for me? and to l2ini put my IP?
  4. Hello ,i have problem just with IPs ...i make server and i wanna play with my 3-5 friends 4 Fun .....So just i need know what IP writte to l2ini and to config ....nothing more ....thnx 4 help
  5. yeah ,same Pc but i need writte local host to l2ini and configs?
  6. I create my own server ...when i give ID PASS i cant login ....acc is created .... just i need know where to give what IPs ...i think ......
  7. yes in config i used my own IP ....so what i need do now?
  8. Hmmmm now all ok no errors ,but when i give ID/PASS no happened anything :/ help
  9. i found what i make bad ...save at bad version .....can delete this topic
  10. Hellow guys, i have question how to make correct l2.ini file ...so i set up my server and maked l2.ini and cahnged IP address there .....(in L2FileEdit) saved it ...when i run game with my l2ini ...it say files are corupped ...some 1 help me thnx...im trying it 1st time :)
  11. omfg more than 80 posts cant see it
  12. it isnt star wars lol stats are good all cutsom see nice best pvp server now rly nice Tom.
  13. server have cutsom items?
  14. ja že konečne niečo dobre ,ale blbosť ..........
  15. [move]www.l2v.eu[/move] www.l2v.eu is site
  16. omfg language in server ..annoucements etc
  17. Hello, where in l2 folder i can find texuters of base items (db,am,[weapons] etc.) please guys tell me where is it [move]thnxxxx. :) [/move]
  18. Is PL server ? [sk] ja slovak pujdzem se kuknuc
  19. hummm how many days will be server alive ? :D :D :D
  20. i will try it :) but this server will be opened i 1 month ? lol ?
  21. yes :( and i never find server for me :(
  22. Why peoples make a servers and adversiteit here if server ending in 2 days .... ( 40 % ) server ....please peoples adveriste her only serious servers thnxxxxxxx.
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