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Everything posted by ROCK ST*R

  1. it work at c6?
  2. Hello , is psomas2 still active? is there any another verified exchanger? how long time it ll take +- ? to change money and send to paypal? btw i pmed psomas , iw wasnt active for long time
  3. that was broken from card... seller will send me better radeon HD 5870 . so all will be okay.... that card has cooler accelero twin turbo....
  4. im not lame in PC , but i never did it , any normal guide to update it ? i found something on msi page via usb....is all that safe?
  5. i have trid the card too on newer MB of one my friend and it wont work too...so i have to try update bios?
  6. Hello all , till now i have used Gpu ati radeon hd 4850 , all was fine ....but i have vga monitor so i have used VGA to dvi connector...reduction.....i have bought now HD 5850 and when i plug it ...with all .2x6 pin s too i got on monitor msng: no signal , or when i tried 2nd reduction i got cable is not connected.... what to do ... my spec are : phenom II x4 955BE 4GB DDR3 ram Patrion 1 333 mhz 600W Psu Logic and MB: MSI 770-c45 with hd 4850 old card is all good , but new 5850 wont work .....
  7. ROCK ST*R


    Please if cna some one tell me if "Bobi" is stil lactive here ,writte it here thnx...
  8. who can do it? Psomas2 and who more ...? are the others trusted?:P
  9. and how to make paysafe to paypal?
  10. Hello how to take moeny from paysafe card to bank account?
  11. btw if u got file from send space with name as is written up dont donwload it at all :D
  12. Hello today ,my friend send me a virus in facebook, i open file and it was virus....i call him why he send me it but it was sended automaticaly...and now im sending it to other ppls...but i dont do that....what to do now? im installing este smart 5..... that virus is called 15September Picutre....+- like that name...who got it to?:S
  13. Up.........
  14. Sell char nick : xIXIxTomasxIXIx....have hero for now,next month, from oly. Items: Super Haste LvL (2)cost 100 euro , Epic Armor(50 euro cost),Epic Bow +30(125 euro cost) Epic Shield (50euro cost) Agation tatto(50 euro cost) Weps :2-3x+30,4x+26,Jewels +25.... If u burn this char u can take donate in game about 505euros. I want sell it for 50 Euros. About payment pm me and all other info... -we can use.
  15. trade doantor char in vitality....nick xIXIxTomasxIXIx ...price about 50+for more pm
  16. it take much time to "rework"it?
  17. seems +- same but is another...
  18. can u send me link for that shop please?
  19. Hello im searching GM shop like this One : Uploaded with ImageShack.us if some one have it please send me it ...
  20. thanks for help to unsponsored and yakuza now it work fine
  21. lol now when i try installing it i got error ...i dont understand it now at all
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