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Everything posted by ROCK ST*R

  1. agree with never more link s works its useful and nice share
  2. Look nice,will try good luck with this
  3. are u looking for faction pack?
  4. UPDATED: [added some features and some fixes]
  5. yeah agree with red too its server for 24 h until his p will crash :p
  6. yes its another pack not a dominion
  7. i will update it tomorrow it with all and i said for more info pm....
  8. psyqq pm me
  9. yeah but tomorrow ,cuz my friend cant send me it now ...he have another work
  10. and now ? :P
  11. Hellow,im want to sell server files ,+ source created by my friend and his team . The price not will be very big ....for more infos pm me. There are some cutsom modifications+good fixes. Contact : skype : tomas.sadovsky : or pm here :) 1) Flood Protections 2) Anti-PHX Enchant 3) Anti-PHX Announce 4) Anti-PHX Multisell Bugg 5) Anti PHX Critical Error 6) Anti-Walker 7) Balanced Olympiad Disallow Same IP In Olympiad 9) Freeze Players In Subclass 10) Funny Flood Fix 11) Noobish Error Fix 12) Olympiad Fake Death Fix 13) Olympiad Pre-Frenzy Fix 14) Anti-Bot System 15) Trade Bugg Fix 16) LS Active Stuck in subclass Fixed 17) Disallow Dual Box 18) Backstab-Lethal Restriction 19) Force CP Bug Fix (infinity weapon - duals ) 20) Chat Restriction (100 chracters per message) 21) Flagged Players cannot use Gatekeeper 22) Olympiad Deny same IP 23) Items Restriction (custom armors etc) Customs - Modifications : 1) Hero status after 500 pvps 2) Anounnce PvP Kills 3) Announce PK Kills 4) Clan Leader Name Color Change 5) Nobless Color Name Change 6) Change Name Color ViA PVP Kills 7) Change Name Color ViA Pks Banking System ( .deposit - .withdraw - , exchange for 500kk adena) 9) Trade Restriction (high level players cannot trade low level ones) 10) Disallow Potions In PVP 11) Disallow SoE in PVP 12) PVP Message : ("Good fight,enemy pwned:)") 13) PK Message : ("Nice kill!You are so dangerous!") 14) Custom Nobless Item 15) Custom Hero Item (hero until rr) 16) NPCs non Hitable 17) ChatFilter 18) Away System 19) Announce Castle Lords Login 20) Announce RB Spawn/Death 21) Announce Hero Login 22) Show Online Players On login 23) Wedding System 24) TvT Event 25) CtF Event 26) GvE Faction System 27) Custom Starting Title 28) Custom Starting Level 29) Run Speed Modifier 30) Custom Char Spawn 31) .online command 32) .res command 33) .cl command (teleports a clan member to the clan leader) 34) .tvtjoin - .tvtleave - .tvtinfo 35) .pmoff command 36) .tradeoff command
  12. its brazil ? server dedicated there ? so we from Europe will have a lags right?
  13. agree..watch some tutorials and try
  14. Welcome here ,read rules :) and stop gaming 10h per day :D
  15. looking for prison break game ,at torrent i dont find correct
  16. lol :D
  17. nice , what a font u used?
  18. and eset block your web man :P btw server isnt good.
  19. CryStaliN yea i think too , but it see good if its balanced ...i will try at some hours cuz dont have much time now
  20. when i start there was 60 online Lemonade
  21. Hello ,it is possile to have l2 server on virtual server ? (virtual server hosting ) because prixe for that is so low , btw what are + /- of virtual server and what is difference between dedicated and virtual ?
  22. im play there ,btw is homehosted ?
  23. super machine.....
  24. thanks too man , i will make something more interesting and upload it :)
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