can some one insert to weps hero glow ? i have problems with it ...1st glow is too big,2nd weps name is :NoItemName(but is with glow :P) 3rd the wep not will show in game,its happening when im trying to do it ....
please upload here :itemname-e,weaponsgrp with hero glow added thanks
i dont know where writte it
[glow=red,2,300]An Error Has Occurred!
Your last search was less than 20 seconds ago. Please try again later.[/glow]
wtf why must wait 20 sec for next search lol ,with posts ok but with search waiting ? lol
Popis: Prístup na stránku bol zablokovaný programom ESET Smart Security. Stránka sa nachádza na zozname s potenciálne nebezpečným obsahom.
Site work but antivirus wont allow it.
hello ,how to setup/install/add bufer to IL java server without getting this " [glow=blue,2,300]You are either not on a quest that involves this NPC, or you don't meet this NPC's minimum quest requirments[/glow]"
it i got when i add buffer to game and want use it .
Hello i was bored from all lineage server so i start with making mine but now i need help how to fix that ,,
i add npc to game like buffer etc.....and It say :
"You are either not on a quest that involves this NPC, or you don't meet this NPC's minimum quest requirments"
SO what i have to to ?
Thanks for responds !