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Everything posted by ROCK ST*R

  1. can some one insert to weps hero glow ? i have problems with it ...1st glow is too big,2nd weps name is :NoItemName(but is with glow :P) 3rd the wep not will show in game,its happening when im trying to do it .... please upload here :itemname-e,weaponsgrp with hero glow added thanks
  2. i think dusk weapons are mega fail ,see very bad for me it see rly bad i dont know why ppls use it to servers.... anyway goodluck
  3. i dont know where writte it [glow=red,2,300]An Error Has Occurred! Your last search was less than 20 seconds ago. Please try again later.[/glow] wtf why must wait 20 sec for next search lol ,with posts ok but with search waiting ? lol
  4. nice it work ,just i give for weps hero glow :P
  5. it work for l2j frozen ? ( SQL file i think) any way thanks i will try
  6. u see beter topic for it here?
  7. Hello,im looking for gold vesper weapons for l2j frozen .... if some 1 can put link here thnaks.
  8. Informácie: Stránka: http://l2desperas.co.cc Popis: Prístup na stránku bol zablokovaný programom ESET Smart Security. Stránka sa nachádza na zozname s potenciálne nebezpečným obsahom. Site work but antivirus wont allow it.
  9. i found it ...can be deleted (topic)
  10. hello ,in what file i can set up buffs slots etc at l2j IL? or where set up it ? i dont think thats hard so i give it to spam topic ...
  11. Thanks for BIG help To Bobi Lock ..
  12. wheni click to register game server in l2j rozen got that,i tried somethings but nothing help....who know wha to do?
  13. Unable to load Themes/default/index.template.php! -web dont work
  14. speak enghlis or dont speak
  15. [glow=yellow,2,300]Download Buffer by click here[/glow] try it and tell your reason
  16. and bobi i have tried more buffer but dont work ,anyway i go change server pack
  17. wrong seccion ? when i send it to Request help ...its saw 11 ppl ,and no one respond me so i post it here and i dont care :D
  18. hello ,how to setup/install/add bufer to IL java server without getting this " [glow=blue,2,300]You are either not on a quest that involves this NPC, or you don't meet this NPC's minimum quest requirments[/glow]" it i got when i add buffer to game and want use it .
  19. omfg every 1 day re open or smthing fix site and the dedixated is only in yr head reality is yr pc as hosting....pls...rly ...stop making servers...
  20. no can tell me how to set up buffer ?
  21. Hello i was bored from all lineage server so i start with making mine but now i need help how to fix that ,, i add npc to game like buffer etc.....and It say : "You are either not on a quest that involves this NPC, or you don't meet this NPC's minimum quest requirments" SO what i have to to ? Thanks for responds !
  22. i know oooold but gk see very good pls some one up oad again
  23. aha donate set ! op and set no sell custom shop + more lagg now server 110 now 20 online ;d mmmrrrbug lol speak enghlis
  24. I know old topic ,i saw it in AIO ,but i want the armor ...have some 1 it on pc? can upload it?
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