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Everything posted by ROCK ST*R

  1. i say thnx for translate
  2. i like it but , add vesper armors and weapons (not blue ) at best and wings (vesper ) and i will play :D xD
  3. Hello ....can some 1 help me to find a good server for me? i want High rate ,vesper weapons armors ,epic armors and smthng more thnxx
  4. and this just add a vote ....u dont will get any reward in game for voting
  5. thnx but dont work :(
  6. and in web site you have written " i dotn want create star wars " with stats in game .....but titan 50k p atak(Star wasrs :P) kill paladin is too hard and u add donate so pfff make new server i dont have what to do there ....i have all ....but its borring
  7. it work ,but must know how to ..i will make video
  8. but u cant use your normal browser (chrome ,expolorer,etc.) u must use Tor browser .....
  9. tell me this is enghlis please i know gr seccion but i want it
  10. So what is it? its program and this program use server proxy ... your ip adress will be hidden and add new while you using Tor Browser tor you can download from here : [move]https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en[/move] next you will intstall this program and you will have in desktop forlder with name Tor Browser or somewhere where u will install it next you just click to icon "Start Tor Browser" and u will have a small window ... you need wait 30 sec and than will be your ip hidden in tor browser and you can vote many thime when u press " Use a new identity ..se in PIC . http://imghost.sk/image/378704-TOR2.png[/img] credits to me :P
  11. nighty you fail yr server with yellow armor ,donates etc...its very vad server now wipe it :D
  12. [sk] 100ka je proste trapna gl with server
  13. I know bad seccion ,but i cant find any1 good server for me :) i want interlude with cutsom items vesper armor /weapons high rate but i cant find it :/// any 1 help me thnx :)
  14. noghty u are ral id10t pff super haste in server you fail your server naaab :D this is l2vitality now ...... delete s3rv3rrrrrrr
  15. Nighty make backup and delete donators AIO Etc. ......you ruin the GAME !!!!!!!!!§
  16. Nighty ..you fail yr server with "gold"armor ..... and RB are stronger now .....i think u declarase some stats .....is bad server now :( make backup :P
  17. already fail 2ppl cant paly from 1 IP xaxaxax
  18. Why cant play 2 peoples frokm 1 IP .............FAIiiiiiiiiillllllllll cancel server omgggggggg and 3 pll on pffffff
  19. read my post
  20. fail of fails server of l2 FAIL i and my friend we cant play from 1 IP adress so gf with yr server ...delete the server ..or repair it -F-A-I-L-
  21. Join all server need pl and is good :)
  22. it see nice i will try ...gl
  23. Where is the shield?:D nad add wings no stats :)
  24. What copy ? this server ===== l2tron but dynasty armors and weps ...
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