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About thepsolartek

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  1. you can use l2j mobius too, as i saw on forum a lot of people prefer mobius instead of acis. i dont know the differences between those two but its an free option though
  2. does this code work on interlude too? cause as i see on video, this isnt interlude
  3. i think that in 382 rev that i use it has to be like this? public final boolean checkVillageMaster(ClassId pclass) { if (Config.ALT_GAME_SUBCLASS_EVERYWHERE) return true; return checkVillageMasterRace(pclass) && checkVillageMasterTeachType(pclass);
  4. hi members as i try to open a new acis based server, i ve recently saw that you cannot change subclass in each npc but only in the specific one. for example i am ghost hunter and add a titan sub. if i want to change back to ghost hunter i have to go to the dark elf npc. how can i make it to change in each npc and not only in the specific one?
  5. added as i understand rootware post a method to add in the java file am i right? so i paste this method in my eclipse and i have not a red line. but my question now is. do i have to add devlins method too or i can compile the server with rootware method only?
  6. if i paste only the part that rootware post(everywhere+without devlin's post) in serverlist.java i dont have any red lines. but is that enough or i have to make more changes in serverlist.java?
  7. thanks for your comment mate but it will not work for me as i use the 382 rev
  8. i didnt exactly mean this with my comment. the think i cant understand is where i have to place this part or what shall i replace in order to solve the problem. shall i use what devlin said or i have just to add rootware method and that;s all?
  9. i have this kind of fault. but i am a bit newbie and i cant undestand where to put this
  10. i try to use this on a server but when i try to augment it appears me a message that told you cannot augment items while fishing. the irony here is that i didnt fishing
  11. the paradox is that .gotolove command is included in weddingmanager.java as a line but as i already told the command didnt work for a reason. maybe someone can help with this command?
  12. guys as i testing one acis pack rev 382 i saw that .gotolove command didnt exist. can someone please give a solution
  13. hi members i have a silly question but as i try one server i saw that you can not buy more than 1 enchant scroll from the shop. what i mean is that you cannot type anything in quantity and that happens only for the enchant scroll cases. how can someone fix this?
  14. i find the solution alone. someone lock this post please
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