I played it a long time ago and was disapointed by the emu. However I remeber that you could get rich with rats ! In the big town next to the start point of the human (a castle with a magic tower in the middle), kill rats, the had more money and better objects than all the other mobs.
Mmh ... I said "If you can understand russian, go directly there. And ask in help section." Yes I know, this was the best exploit you ever saw. You are welcome 8)
How did you make the old login encrytion process from walker work with the new one from L2J ? I tried to hex walker with some default value to login but it never worked.
There is a packet called char info I think, in this packet you can find the char ID (at the beginning). (press tab a few time so the packet will be send a few time)
I use L2Hint, you can set it for your server, it's easy. You can also use it to show status of two server (but just login or game server for each one). Nice tool if like me you play on servers that has some downtimes.
Essaie une version plus récente du bot si tu utilise la 10.2.3. Verifie peut etre qu'il n'y ait pas de probleme avec les distances pour far et near attack. Si tu as changé beaucoup d'option, essaie de retelecharger le bot pour avoir les options par défaut qui marchent (et ensuite tu remodifies porgressivement).
Thanks you. I will try it this week end.
I hope that they fixed the bug that prevent to do 2 actions. On official you can for exemple, cast Empower and while it's casting, click for the next buff. I never found a L2J where you can do that.
Look at the config files from a L2J. Admin can allow or dissallow Walker, and if dissallow he can also autoban.
And with the new versions even if admin does allow Walker, you couldn't connect (maybe there is a hex to do or another patch).